Roland Groz
Roland Groz
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
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Confirming configurations in EFSM testing
A Petrenko, S Boroday, R Groz
IEEE Transactions on Software engineering 30 (1), 29-42, 2004
Inferring mealy machines
M Shahbaz, R Groz
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 207-222, 2009
KameleonFuzz: evolutionary fuzzing for black-box XSS detection
F Duchene, S Rawat, JL Richier, R Groz
Proceedings of the 4th ACM conference on Data and application security and …, 2014
Finding software vulnerabilities by smart fuzzing
S Bekrar, C Bekrar, R Groz, L Mounier
2011 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2011
A taint based approach for smart fuzzing
S Bekrar, C Bekrar, R Groz, L Mounier
2012 IEEE fifth international conference on software testing, verification …, 2012
XSS vulnerability detection using model inference assisted evolutionary fuzzing
F Duchene, R Groz, S Rawat, JL Richier
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
Binary-level directed fuzzing for {use-after-free} vulnerabilities
MD Nguyen, S Bardin, R Bonichon, R Groz, M Lemerre
23rd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses …, 2020
Development of VEDA, a prototyping tool for distributed algorithms
C Jard, JF Monin, R Groz
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 14 (3), 339-352, 1988
Automated test generation from SDL specifications
A Kerbrat, T Jéron, R Groz
SDL'99, 135-151, 1999
Two approaches linking a test generation tool with verification techniques
M Clatin, R Groz, M Phalippou, R Thummel
Protocol Test Systems VIII: Proceedings of the IFIP WG6. 1 TC6 Eighth …, 1996
Test generation from security policies specified in Or-BAC
K Li, L Mounier, R Groz
31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2007
LigRE: Reverse-engineering of control and data flow models for black-box XSS detection
F Duchene, S Rawat, JL Richier, R Groz
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 252-261, 2013
Modular system verification by inference, testing and reachability analysis
R Groz, K Li, A Petrenko, M Shahbaz
International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 216-233, 2008
Analysis and testing of black‐box component‐based systems by inferring partial models
M Shahbaz, R Groz
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 24 (4), 253-288, 2014
Integration testing of components guided by incremental state machine learning
K Li, R Groz, M Shahbaz
Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference-Practice And Research Techniques …, 2006
A review of intrusion detection systems for industrial control systems
M Kaouk, JM Flaus, ML Potet, R Groz
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2019
Test generation for network security rules
V Darmaillacq, JC Fernandez, R Groz, L Mounier, JL Richier
IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, 341-356, 2006
Can a model checker generate tests for non-deterministic systems?
S Boroday, A Petrenko, R Groz
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 190 (2), 3-19, 2007
Learning and integration of parameterized components through testing
M Shahbaz, K Li, R Groz
International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 319-334, 2007
Confirming configurations in EFSM
A Petrenko, S Boroday, R Groz
International Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification …, 1999
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Articles 1–20