Elena Krasnova
Elena Krasnova
МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова, Биологический факультет
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Study of microbial communities in redox zone of meromictic lakes isolated from the White Sea using spectral and molecular methods
ED Krasnova, AV Kharcheva, IA Milyutina, DA Voronov, SV Patsaeva
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95 (8 …, 2015
The characteristic pattern of multiple colored layers in coastal stratified lakes in the process of separation from the White Sea
ED Krasnova, DN Matorin, TA Belevich, LE Efimova, AV Kharcheva, ...
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 36, 1962-1977, 2018
Salt lakes separated from the White Sea
E Krasnova, D Voronov, N Frolova, A Pantyulin, T Samsonov
sea 2 (3), 4, 2015
Sharp water column stratification with an extremely dense microbial population in a small meromictic lake, Trekhtzvetnoe
AS Savvichev, VV Babenko, ON Lunina, MA Letarova, DI Boldyreva, ...
Environmental Microbiology 20 (10), 3784-3797, 2018
Cryptomonad alga Rhodomonas sp. (Cryptophyta, Pyrenomonadaceae) bloom in the redox zone of the basins separating from the White Sea
ED Krasnova, AN Pantyulin, DN Matorin, DA Todorenko, TA Belevich, ...
Microbiology 83, 270-277, 2014
Multidisciplinary studies of the separating lakes at different stage of isolation from the White Sea performed in March 2012
ED Krasnova, AN Pantyulin, TA Belevich, DA Voronov, NA Demidenko, ...
Oceanology 53 (5), 639, 2013
Spectroscopic study of green sulfur bacteria in stratified water bodies of the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea
AA Zhiltsova, AV Kharcheva, ED Krasnova, ON Lunina, DA Voronov, ...
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 31, 390-396, 2018
Ecology of meromictic lakes of Russia. 1. Coastal marine waterbodies
ED Krasnova
Water Resources 48 (3), 427-438, 2021
Seasonal variations in the structure of an anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community from the meromictic Lake Trekhtsvetnoe (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea)
ON Lunina, AS Savvichev, VV Babenko, DI Boldyreva, BB Kuznetsov, ...
Microbiology 88, 100-114, 2019
Atlas of marine and coastal biological diversity of the Russian Arctic
VA Spiridonov, MV Gavrilo, ED Krasnova, NG Nikolaeva
Moscow, WWF, 2011
Microbial processes and microbial communities in the water column of the polar meromictic lake Bol’shie Khruslomeny at the White Sea coast
AS Savvichev, VV Kadnikov, II Rusanov, AV Beletsky, ED Krasnova, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 11, 1945, 2020
Formation of hydrogen sulfide in isolated basins at the Karelian White Sea coast
G Losyuk, N Kokryatskaya, E Krasnova
Dep 4 (3), 2, 2015
Succession processes in the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community in Lake Kislo-Sladkoe (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea)
ON Lunina, AS Savvichev, ED Krasnova, NM Kokryatskaya, ...
Microbiology 85, 570-582, 2016
Depth profiles of spectral and hydrological characteristics of water and their relation to abundances of green sulfur bacteria in the stratified lakes of the White Sea
AV Kharcheva, ED Krasnova, VM Gorlenko, ON Lunina, AS Savvichev, ...
Saratov Fall Meeting 2015: Third International Symposium on Optics and …, 2016
The study of coastal meromictic water basins in the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea by spectral and physicochemical methods
AV Kharcheva, AV Meschankin, II Lyalin, ED Krasnova, DA Voronov, ...
Saratov Fall Meeting 2013: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine …, 2014
Toward the new role of marine and coastal protected areas in the arctic: the Russian case
V Spiridonov, M Gavrilo, Y Krasnov, A Makarov, N Nikolaeva, L Sergienko, ...
Protection of the Three Poles, 171-202, 2012
Light-dependent methane oxidation is the major process of the methane cycle in the water column of the Bol’shie Khruslomeny Polar Lake
AS Savvichev, VV Kadnikov, AY Kallistova, II Rusanov, DA Voronov, ...
Microbiology 88, 370-374, 2019
Spectrophotometric quantification of chlorosomal bacteriochlorophyll in intact cells of green sulphur bacteria: Monocultures and natural water
A Kharcheva, A Zhiltsova, P Emelyantsev, O Lunina, E Krasnova, ...
EARSeL eProceedings 17 (1), 7-15, 2018
Spectroscopic study of the microbial community in chemocline zones of relic meromictic lakes separating from the White Sea
AV Kharcheva, ED Krasnova, DA Voronov, SV Patsaeva
Saratov Fall Meeting 2014: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine …, 2015
Hydrogen sulfide contamination of coastal lakes at different stages of isolation from the White Sea
GN Losyuk, NM Kokryatskaya, ED Krasnova
Oceanology 61, 351-361, 2021
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Articles 1–20