Theodosia Togia
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Cited by
Biomedical relation extraction with pre-trained language representations and minimal task-specific architecture
A Thillaisundaram, T Togia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.12411, 2019
Constructing large scale biomedical knowledge bases from scratch with rapid annotation of interpretable patterns
J Fauqueur, A Thillaisundaram, T Togia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.01417, 2019
The effect of negative sampling strategy on capturing semantic similarity in document embeddings
M Saeidi, R Kulkarni, T Togia, M Sama
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-2), 1-8, 2017
Harnessing the power of folksonomies for formal ontology matching on-the-fly
T Togia, F McNeill, A Bundy
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ontology Matching-Volume …, 2010
Automated generation of natural language task/expectation descriptions
T Togia, M Sama, T Porter
US Patent App. 15/828,411, 2018
On-the-fly repair of structural and lexical ontology mismatches in multi-agent systems
T Togia, F McNeill
Artificial Intelligence Review 40, 175-191, 2013
Ontology vs. Folksonomy
T Togia
Harnessing the power of folksonomies for formal ontology matching on-the-y
T Togia, F McNeill, A Bundy
ISWC international workshop on ontology matching (OM) 689, 226227Valle, 2010
Method and system for semi-supervised semantic task management from semi-structured heterogeneous data streams
M Sama, A Anisimovich, T Porter, T Togia, J Hammerton
US Patent 11,210,613, 2021
Semantic interface definition language for action discovery in cloud services and smart devices
M Sama, T Porter, O Tandiroglu, T Togia, A Anisimovich, J Hammerton
US Patent 10,893,011, 2021
The pitfall of using question detection as a proxy for action inference in natural text conversations: a position paper
A Anisimovich, M Sama, T Togia
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things …, 2017
The language of collaborative tagging
T Togia
University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, 2015
TagNText: A parallel corpus for the induction of resource-specific non-taxonomical relations from tagged images.
T Togia, AA Copestake
LREC, 3448-3455, 2014
Workshop on Discovering Meaning On the Go in Large Heterogeneous Data 2011 (LHD-11)
T Togia, F McNeill, I Cruz, M Palmonari, F Caimi, C Stroe, A Autayeu, ...
It makes sense... and reference: A bag-of-words model for meaning grounding and sharing in multiagent systems.
T Togia, F McNeill
LDH, 31-36, 2011
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Articles 1–15