john dobson
john dobson
Emeritus Professor of physics at Griffith University
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Density functional theory of time-dependent phenomena
EKU Gross, JF Dobson, M Petersilka
Density Functional Theory II: Relativistic and Time Dependent Extensions, 81-172, 2005
Electronic density functional theory: recent progress and new directions
K Burke, JP Perdew, Y Wang, JF Dobson, G Vignale, MP Das
Plenum, 1998
Cohesive Properties and Asymptotics of the Dispersion Interaction<? format?> in Graphite by the Random Phase Approximation
S Lebčgue, J Harl, T Gould, JG Ángyán, G Kresse, JF Dobson
Physical review letters 105 (19), 196401, 2010
Harmonic-potential theorem: Implications for approximate many-body theories
JF Dobson
Physical review letters 73 (16), 2244, 1994
Density functional theory analysis of structural and electronic properties of orthorhombic perovskite CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3
Y Wang, T Gould, JF Dobson, H Zhang, H Yang, X Yao, H Zhao
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (4), 1424-1429, 2014
Asymptotics of the Dispersion Interaction: Analytic Benchmarks<? format?> for van der Waals Energy Functionals
JF Dobson, A White, A Rubio
Physical review letters 96 (7), 073201, 2006
Vortex fluidic exfoliation of graphite and boron nitride
X Chen, JF Dobson, CL Raston
Chemical Communications 48 (31), 3703-3705, 2012
Calculation of dispersion energies
JF Dobson, T Gould
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (7), 073201, 2012
Electronic density functional theory: recent progress and new directions
JF Dobson, G Vignale, MP Das
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Successful test of a seamless van der Waals density functional
JF Dobson, J Wang
Physical review letters 82 (10), 2123, 1999
Constraint satisfaction in local and gradient susceptibility approximations: Application to a van der Waals density functional
JF Dobson, BP Dinte
Physical review letters 76 (11), 1780, 1996
Prediction of dispersion forces: is there a problem?
JF Dobson, K McLennan, A Rubio, J Wang, T Gould, HM Le, BP Dinte
Australian Journal of Chemistry 54 (8), 513-527, 2001
Toward the description of van der Waals interactions within density functional theory
M Lein, JF Dobson, EKU Gross
Journal of computational chemistry 20 (1), 12-22, 1999
DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science
AM Teale, T Helgaker, A Savin, C Adamo, B Aradi, AV Arbuznikov, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 24 (47), 28700-28781, 2022
Time-dependent density functional theory beyond linear response: An exchange-correlation potential with memory
JF Dobson, MJ Bünner, EKU Gross
Physical review letters 79 (10), 1905, 1997
Beyond pairwise additivity in London dispersion interactions
JF Dobson
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 114 (18), 1157-1161, 2014
Interpretation of the Fermi hole curvature
JF Dobson
The Journal of chemical physics 94 (6), 4328-4333, 1991
Energy-optimized local exchange-correlation kernel for the electron gas: Application to van der Waals forces
JF Dobson, J Wang
Physical Review B 62 (15), 10038, 2000
The stereochemistry of Bis (α, α'-diimine) copper (I) complexes: the crystal and molecular structures of Bis (2, 9-dimethyl-1, 10-phenanthroline) copper (I) bromide hydrate …
JF Dobson, BE Green, PC Healy, CHL Kennard, C Pakawatchai, ...
Australian journal of chemistry 37 (3), 649-659, 1984
Soft cohesive forces
JF Dobson, J Wang, BP Dinte, K McLennan, HM Le
International journal of quantum chemistry 101 (5), 579-598, 2005
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Articles 1–20