Kathleen McGarry
Kathleen McGarry
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Multiple dimensions of private information: evidence from the long-term care insurance market
A Finkelstein, K McGarry
American Economic Review 96 (4), 938-958, 2006
National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference statement: preventing alzheimer disease and cognitive decline
ML Daviglus, CC Bell, W Berrettini, PE Bowen, ES Connolly Jr, NJ Cox, ...
Annals of internal medicine 153 (3), 176-181, 2010
The predictive validity of subjective probabilities of survival
MD Hurd, K McGarry
The Economic Journal 112 (482), 966-985, 2002
Evaluation of the subjective probabilities of survival in the health and retirement study
MD Hurd, K McGarry
Journal of Human resources, S268-S292, 1995
Transfer behavior: Measurement and the redistribution of resources within the family
KM McGarry, RF Schoeni
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994
Health and retirement: do changes in health affect retirement expectations?
K McGarry
Journal of Human Resources 39 (3), 624-648, 2004
Inter vivos transfers and intended bequests
K McGarry
Journal of Public Economics 73 (3), 321-351, 1999
The burden of health care costs for patients with dementia in the last 5 years of life
AS Kelley, K McGarry, R Gorges, JS Skinner
Annals of internal medicine 163 (10), 729-736, 2015
Transfer behavior within the family: Results from the Asset and Health Dynamics Survey
KM McGarry, RF Schoeni
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1995
Risk factors and preventive interventions for Alzheimer disease: state of the science
ML Daviglus, BL Plassman, A Pirzada, CC Bell, PE Bowen, JR Burke, ...
Archives of neurology 68 (9), 1185-1190, 2011
Preference heterogeneity and insurance markets: Explaining a puzzle of insurance
DM Cutler, A Finkelstein, K McGarry
American Economic Review 98 (2), 157-162, 2008
Medical insurance and the use of health care services by the elderly
MD Hurd, K McGarry
Journal of health economics 16 (2), 129-154, 1997
Job change patterns and the wages of young men
A Light, K McGarry
Review of Economics and Statistics 80 (2), 276-286, 1998
Social security, economic growth, and the rise in elderly widows’ independence in the twentieth century
K McGarry, RF Schoeni
Demography 37 (2), 221-236, 2000
Dynamic inefficiencies in insurance markets: Evidence from long-term care insurance
A Finkelstein, K McGarry, A Sufi
American Economic Review 95 (2), 224-228, 2005
Why parents play favorites: Explanations for unequal bequests
A Light, K McGarry
American Economic Review 94 (5), 1669-1681, 2004
Hospital mortality of acute myocardial infarction in the thrombolytic era
NG Mahon, C O’rorke, MB Codd, HA McCann, K McGarry, DD Sugrue
Heart 81 (5), 478-482, 1999
Long-term care insurance demand limited by beliefs about needs, concerns about insurers, and care available from family
JR Brown, GS Goda, K McGarry
Health Affairs 31 (6), 1294-1302, 2012
Intergenerational ties: Alternative theories, empirical findings and trends, and remaining challenges
SM Bianchi, VJ Hotz, KM McGarry, JA Seltzer
The relationship between job characteristics and retirement
MD Hurd, KM McGarry
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1993
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