Mattias Boman
Mattias Boman
UWI, The University of the West Indies
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Obtaining welfare bounds in discrete-response valuation studies: A non-parametric approach
M Boman, G Bostedt, B Kriström
Land Economics, 284-294, 1999
Moose hunting values in Sweden now and two decades ago: The Swedish hunters revisited
M Boman, L Mattsson, G Ericsson, B Kriström
Environmental and Resource Economics 50, 515-530, 2011
Attitudes towards various forest functions: A comparison between private forest owners and forest officers
C Kindstrand, J Norman, M Boman, L Mattsson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 23 (2), 133-136, 2008
Finding stress relief in a forest
M Annerstedt, J Norman, M Boman, L Mattsson, P Grahn, P Währborg
Ecological Bulletins, 33-42, 2010
Outdoor recreation–a necessity or a luxury? Estimation of Engel curves for Sweden
M Boman, P Fredman, L Lundmark, G Ericsson
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 3, 49-56, 2013
Preferences and willingness to pay for close to home nature for outdoor recreation in Sweden
EE Ezebilo, M Boman, L Mattsson, A Lindhagen, W Mbongo
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58 (2), 283-296, 2015
Applying the Delphi method to assess impacts of forest management on biodiversity and habitat preservation
A Filyushkina, N Strange, M Löf, EE Ezebilo, M Boman
Forest Ecology and Management 409, 179-189, 2018
Integrated natural resource management in northern Sweden: An application to forestry and reindeer husbandry
G Bostedt, PJ Parks, M Boman
Land Economics 79 (2), 149-159, 2003
Influence of outdoor recreation on self-rated human health: comparing three categories of Swedish recreationists
J Norman, M Annerstedt, M Boman, L Mattsson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25 (3), 234-244, 2010
Valuing the wolf in Sweden: Are benefits contingent on the supply?
M Boman, G Bostedt
Topics in environmental economics, 157-174, 1999
Non-market forest ecosystem services and decision support in Nordic countries
A Filyushkina, N Strange, M Löf, EE Ezebilo, M Boman
Scandinavian journal of forest research 31 (1), 99-110, 2016
Conservation goals and the relative importance of costs and benefits in reserve selection
K Perhans, C Kindstrand, M Boman, LB Djupström, L Gustafsson, ...
Conservation Biology 22 (5), 1331-1339, 2008
Disentangling distance and country effects on the value of conservation across national borders
F Bakhtiari, JB Jacobsen, BJ Thorsen, TH Lundhede, N Strange, ...
Ecological Economics 147, 11-20, 2018
The bioeconomics of the spatial distribution of an endangered species: the case of the Swedish wolf population
M Boman, G Bostedt, J Persson
Journal of Bioeconomics 5, 55-74, 2003
Microbial community structure and function of soil following ecosystem conversion from native forests to teak plantation forests
V De Gannes, I Bekele, D Dipchansingh, MN Wuddivira, S De Cairies, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1976, 2016
Jakten i Sverige: ekonomiska värden och attityder jaktåret 200506
L Mattsson, M Boman, G Ericsson
Adaptiv förvaltning av vilt och fisk, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2008
Non-timber benefits, price uncertainty and optimal harvest of an even-aged stand
P Gong, M Boman, L Mattsson
Forest policy and economics 7 (3), 283-295, 2005
Estimating costs and genetic benefits of various sizes of predator populations: The case of bear, wolf, wolverine and lynx in Sweden
M Boman
Journal of Environmental Management 43 (4), 349-357, 1995
The value of forests for outdoor recreation in southern Sweden: are broadleaved trees important
J Norman, L Ellingson, M Boman, L Mattsson
Ecological Bulletins, 21-32, 2010
Cost-effectiveness of conservation strategies implemented in boreal forests: The area selection process
S Wikberg, K Perhans, C Kindstrand, LB Djupström, M Boman, L Mattsson, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (3), 614-624, 2009
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Articles 1–20