Michael A. McDaniel
Michael A. McDaniel
Work Skills First, Inc.
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A meta-analysis of the Dark Triad and work behavior: a social exchange perspective.
DR Forsyth, GC Banks, MA McDaniel
Journal of applied psychology 97 (3), 557, 2012
The validity of employment interviews: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis.
MA McDaniel, DL Whetzel, FL Schmidt, SD Maurer
Journal of applied psychology 79 (4), 599, 1994
A meta-analysis of the antecedents and consequences of pay level satisfaction.
ML Williams, MA McDaniel, NT Nguyen
Journal of applied psychology 91 (2), 392, 2006
Use of situational judgment tests to predict job performance: a clarification of the literature.
MA McDaniel, FP Morgeson, EB Finnegan, MA Campion, EP Braverman
Journal of Applied Psychology 86 (4), 730, 2001
Big-brained people are smarter: A meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence
MA McDaniel
Intelligence 33 (4), 337-346, 2005
Situational judgment tests, response instructionns, and validity: A meta-analysis
MA McDaniel, NS Hartman, DL Whetzel, W Grubb
Personnel Psychology 60 (1), 63-91, 2007
Job experience correlates of job performance.
MA McDaniel, FL Schmidt, JE Hunter
Journal of applied psychology 73 (2), 327, 1988
Gender and forgiveness: A meta–analytic review and research agenda
AJ Miller, EL Worthington Jr, MA McDaniel
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 27 (8), 843-876, 2008
Religion and spirituality
EL Worthington Jr, JN Hook, DE Davis, MA McDaniel
Journal of clinical psychology 67 (2), 204-214, 2011
Age and work performance in nonmanagerial jobs: The effects of experience and occupational type
BJ Avolio, DA Waldman, MA McDaniel
Academy of management journal 33 (2), 407-422, 1990
The behavioral immune system and social conservatism: A meta-analysis
JA Terrizzi Jr, NJ Shook, MA McDaniel
Evolution and Human Behavior 34 (2), 99-108, 2013
Situational judgment tests: A review of practice and constructs assessed
MAMD Cabrera, NT Nguyen
International journal of selection and assessment 9 (1‐2), 103-113, 2001
The generation effect: A meta-analytic review
S Bertsch, BJ Pesta, R Wiscott, MA McDaniel
Memory & cognition 35, 201-210, 2007
Publication bias in the organizational sciences
S Kepes, GC Banks, M McDaniel, DL Whetzel
Organizational Research Methods 15 (4), 624-662, 2012
Meta-analytic evidence for effects of mindfulness training on dimensions of self-reported dispositional mindfulness.
JT Quaglia, SE Braun, SP Freeman, MA McDaniel, KW Brown
Psychological assessment 28 (7), 803, 2016
East meets west: A meta-analytic investigation of cultural variations in idealism and relativism
DR Forsyth, EH O’boyle, MA McDaniel
Journal of Business Ethics 83, 813-833, 2008
Does job-related training performance decline with age?
JE Kubeck, ND Delp, TK Haslett, MA McDaniel
Psychology and aging 11 (1), 92, 1996
Validity of customer service measures in personnel selection: A review of criterion and construct evidence
RL Frei, MA McDaniel
Human performance 11 (1), 1-27, 1998
A meta-analytic investigation of cognitive ability in employment interview evaluations: Moderating characteristics and implications for incremental validity.
AI Huffcutt, PL Roth, MA McDaniel
Journal of applied psychology 81 (5), 459, 1996
Situational judgment tests: An overview of current research
DL Whetzel, MA McDaniel
Human Resource Management Review 19 (3), 188-202, 2009
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