Steve Goodhew
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Cited by
Sustainable earth walls to meet the building regulations
S Goodhew, R Griffiths
Energy and Buildings 37 (5), 451-459, 2005
Thermography methodologies for detecting energy related building defects
M Fox, D Coley, S Goodhew, P De Wilde
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 40, 296-310, 2014
Building defect detection: External versus internal thermography
M Fox, S Goodhew, P De Wilde
Building and Environment 105, 317-331, 2016
An investigation of the moisture content in the walls of a straw-bale building
S Goodhew, R Griffiths, T Woolley
Building and environment 39 (12), 1443-1451, 2004
Time-lapse thermography for building defect detection
M Fox, D Coley, S Goodhew, P De Wilde
Energy and Buildings 92, 95-106, 2015
Making heat visible: promoting energy conservation behaviors through thermal imaging
J Goodhew, S Pahl, T Auburn, S Goodhew
Environment and behavior 47 (10), 1059-1088, 2015
Measured indoor temperatures, thermal comfort and overheating risk: Post-occupancy evaluation of low energy houses in the UK
RV Jones, S Goodhew, P de Wilde
Energy Procedia 88, 714-720, 2016
Thermal performance exploration of 3D printed cob
M Gomaa, J Carfrae, S Goodhew, W Jabi, A Veliz Reyes
Architectural Science Review 62 (3), 230-237, 2019
The potential for using geopolymer concrete in the UK
A Heath, K Paine, S Goodhew, M Ramage, M Lawrence
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Construction Materials 166 …, 2013
Analysis of thermal-probe measurements using an iterative method to give sample conductivity and diffusivity data
S Goodhew, R Griffiths
Applied Energy 77 (2), 205-223, 2004
The feasibility of earth block masonry for building sustainable walling in the United Kingdom
C Williams, S Goodhew, R Griffiths, L Watson
Journal of Building Appraisal 6, 99-108, 2010
An investigation of the appropriateness of current methodologies for energy certification of Mediterranean housing
A Abela, M Hoxley, P McGrath, S Goodhew
Energy and Buildings 130, 210-218, 2016
Improving the visibility of energy use in home heating in England: Thermal images and the role of visual tailoring
C Boomsma, J Goodhew, S Goodhew, S Pahl
Energy Research & Social Science 14, 111-121, 2016
Sustainable construction processes: A resource text
S Goodhew
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
The perceived barriers to the inclusion of rainwater harvesting systems by UK house building companies
D Parsons, S Goodhew, A Fewkes, P De Wilde
Urban Water Journal 7 (4), 257-265, 2010
Development of a cost effective probe for the long term monitoring of straw bale buildings
J Carfrae, P De Wilde, J Littlewood, S Goodhew, P Walker
Building and Environment 46 (1), 156-164, 2011
Living wall systems for improved thermal performance of existing buildings
M Fox, J Morewood, T Murphy, P Lunt, S Goodhew
Building and Environment 207, 108491, 2022
Improving the thermal performance of earthen walls to satisfy current building regulations
S Goodhew, M Boutouil, F Streiff, M Le Guern, J Carfrae, M Fox
Energy and Buildings 240, 110873, 2021
Briefing: Challenges related to straw bale construction
S Goodhew, J Carfrae, P De Wilde
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability …, 2010
The noise insulation properties of non-food-crop walling for schools and colleges: A case study
R Deverell, S Goodhew, R Griffiths, P De Wilde
Journal of Building Appraisal 5, 29-40, 2009
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Articles 1–20