xing liang
xing liang
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Asymptotic speeds of spread and traveling waves for monotone semiflows with applications
X Liang, XQ Zhao
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2007
Spreading speeds and traveling waves for abstract monostable evolution systems
X Liang, XQ Zhao
Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (4), 857-903, 2010
Spreading speeds and traveling waves for periodic evolution systems
X Liang, Y Yi, XQ Zhao
Journal of differential equations 231 (1), 57-77, 2006
Basic reproduction ratios for periodic abstract functional differential equations (with application to a spatial model for Lyme disease)
X Liang, L Zhang, XQ Zhao
Journal of dynamics and differential equations 31, 1247-1278, 2019
The minimal speed of traveling fronts for the Lotka–Volterra competition system
JS Guo, X Liang
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 23 (2), 353-363, 2011
Pulsating semi-waves in periodic media and spreading speed determined by a free boundary model
Y Du, X Liang
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 32 (2), 279-305, 2015
A diffusive competition model with a protection zone
Y Du, X Liang
Journal of Differential Equations 244 (1), 61-86, 2008
Saddle-point behavior for monotone semiflows and reaction–diffusion models
J Jiang, X Liang, XQ Zhao
Journal of Differential Equations 203 (2), 313-330, 2004
The principal eigenvalue for degenerate periodic reaction-diffusion systems
X Liang, L Zhang, XQ Zhao
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (5), 3603-3636, 2017
A variational problem associated with the minimal speed of travelling waves for spatially periodic reaction-diffusion equations
X Liang, X Lin, H Matano
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 (11), 5605-5633, 2010
The dynamical behaviour of type-K competitive Kolmogorov systems and its application to three-dimensional type-K competitive Lotka–Volterra systems
X Liang, J Jiang
Nonlinearity 16 (3), 785, 2003
Spreading speeds of nonlocal KPP equations in almost periodic media
X Liang, T Zhou
Journal of Functional Analysis 279 (9), 108723, 2020
Erratum: Asymptotic speeds of spread and traveling waves for monotone semiflows with applications
X Liang, XQ Zhao
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2008
Principal eigenvalues of generalized convolution operators on the circle and spreading speeds of noncompact evolution systems in periodic media
W Ding, X Liang
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 47 (1), 855-896, 2015
On the finite-dimensional dynamical systems with limited competition
X Liang, J Jiang
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 354 (9), 3535-3554, 2002
Diffusive KPP equations with free boundaries in time almost periodic environments: II. Spreading speeds and semi-wave solutions
F Li, X Liang, W Shen
Journal of Differential Equations 261 (4), 2403-2445, 2016
The principal eigenvalue for periodic nonlocal dispersal systems with time delay
X Liang, L Zhang, XQ Zhao
Journal of Differential Equations 266 (4), 2100-2124, 2019
Spreading in space–time periodic media governed by a monostable equation with free boundaries, Part 1: Continuous initial functions
W Ding, Y Du, X Liang
Journal of Differential Equations 262 (10), 4988-5021, 2017
Spreading in space–time periodic media governed by a monostable equation with free boundaries, Part 2: Spreading speed
W Ding, Y Du, X Liang
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 36 (6), 1539-1573, 2019
Maximizing the spreading speed of KPP fronts in two-dimensional stratified media
X Liang, H Matano
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 109 (5), 1137-1174, 2014
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Articles 1–20