Raoul Zöllner
Raoul Zöllner
Professor, Heilbronn University
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Cited by
Incremental learning of tasks from user demonstrations, past experiences, and vocal comments
M Pardowitz, S Knoop, R Dillmann, RD Zollner
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 37 …, 2007
Using gesture and speech control for commanding a robot assistant
O Rogalla, M Ehrenmann, R Zollner, R Becher, R Dillmann
Proceedings. 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2002
Programming by demonstration: dual-arm manipulation tasks for humanoid robots
R Zollner, T Asfour, R Dillmann
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004
Learning robot behaviour and skills based on human demonstration and advice: the machine learning paradigm
R Dillmann, O Rogalla, M Ehrenmann, R Zöliner, M Bordegoni
Robotics Research: The Ninth International Symposium, 229-238, 2000
Understanding users intention: programming fine manipulation tasks by demonstration
R Zollner, O Rogalla, R Dillmann, M Zollner
IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems 2, 1114-1119, 2002
Advanced man-machine interaction
KF Kraiss
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
Programming service tasks in household environments by human demonstration
M Ehrenmann, R Zollner, O Rogalla, R Dillmann
Proceedings. 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2002
Teaching service robots complex tasks: Programming by demonstration for workshop and household environments
M Ehrenmann, O Rogalla, R Zöllner, R Dillmann
Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Field and Service Robots …, 2001
6d object localization and obstacle detection for collision-free manipulation with a mobile service robot
J Kuehnle, A Verl, Z Xue, S Ruehl, JM Zoellner, R Dillmann, T Grundmann, ...
2009 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 1-6, 2009
Observation in programming by demonstration: Training and execution environment
M Ehrenmann
Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2003, 2003
Design and implementation of an interactive object modelling system
R Becher, P Steinhaus, R Zollner, R Dillmann
VDI BERICHTE 1956, 27, 2006
Learning sequential constraints of tasks from user demonstrations
M Pardowitz, R Zollner, R Dillmann
5th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2005., 424-429, 2005
BUGA: log–A real-world laboratory approach to designing an automated transport system for goods in Urban Areas
N Marsden, T Bernecker, R Zöllner, N Sußmann, S Kapser
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2018
Towards large scale urban traffic reference data: Smart infrastructure in the test area autonomous driving baden-württemberg
T Fleck, K Daaboul, M Weber, P Schörner, M Wehmer, J Doll, S Orf, ...
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 15: Proceedings of the 15th International …, 2019
Towards cognitive elementary operators: grasp classification using neural network classifiers
H Friedrich, V Grossmann, M Ehrenmann, O Rogalla, R Zöllner, ...
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems …, 1999
Dynamic grasp recognition within the framework of programming by demonstration
R Zollner, O Rogalla, R Dillmann, JM Zollner
Proceedings 10th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2001
Probabilistic action planning for active scene modeling in continuous high-dimensional domains
R Eidenberger, T Grundmann, R Zoellner
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2412-2417, 2009
Sensor fusion approaches for observation of user actions in programming by demonstration
M Ehrenmann, R Zollner, S Knoop, R Dillmann
Conference Documentation International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and …, 2001
Integration of 6D object localization and obstacle detection for collision free robotic manipulation
T Grundmann, R Eidenberger, RD Zoellner, Z Xue, S Ruehl, JM Zoellner, ...
2008 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 66-71, 2008
Interactive natural programming of robots: Introductory overview
R Dillmann, R Zöllner, M Ehrenmann, O Rogalla
IARP Workshop on Technical Challenge for Dependable Roots in Human Environments, 2002
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Articles 1–20