Jin Li (李瑾)
Jin Li (李瑾)
Professor of Education and Human Development, Brown University
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Cultural foundations of learning: East and West
J Li
Cambridge University Press, 2012
US and Chinese cultural beliefs about learning.
J Li
Journal of educational psychology 95 (2), 258, 2003
A cultural model of learning: Chinese “heart and mind for wanting to learn”
J Li
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 33 (3), 248-269, 2002
Mind or virtue: Western and Chinese beliefs about learning
J Li
Current Directions in Psychological Science 14 (4), 190-194, 2005
The organisation of Chinese shame concepts?
J Li, L Wang, K Fischer
Cognition and emotion 18 (6), 767-797, 2004
Chinese conceptualization of learning
J Li
Ethos 29 (2), 111-137, 2001
What makes students engaged in learning? A time-use study of within-and between-individual predictors of emotional engagement in low-performing high schools
S Park, SD Holloway, A Arendtsz, J Bempechat, J Li
Journal of youth and adolescence 41, 390-401, 2012
Learning to self-perfect: Chinese beliefs about learning
J Li
Revisiting the Chinese learner: Changing contexts, changing education, 35-69, 2009
The core of Confucian learning.
J Li
American Psychological Association 58 (2), 146, 2003
Dynamic development of component systems of emotions: Pride, shame, and guilt in China and the United States
MF Mascolo, KW Fischer, J Li
Handbook of affective sciences, 375-408, 2003
Learning as a task or a virtue: US And Chinese preschoolers explain learning.
J Li
Developmental psychology 40 (4), 595, 2004
Creativity in horizontal and vertical domains
J Li
Creativity Research Journal 10 (2-3), 107-132, 1997
Practical intelligence for school: Developing metacognitive sources of achievement in adolescence
WM Williams, T Blythe, N White, J Li, H Gardner, RJ Sternberg
Developmental review 22 (2), 162-210, 2002
Understanding Chinese immigrant and European American mothers’ expressions of warmth
CSL Cheah, J Li, N Zhou, Y Yamamoto, CYY Leung
Developmental Psychology 51 (12), 1802-1811., 2015
Practical intelligence for school
H Williams, W. M., Blythe, T., White, N., Li, J., Sternberg, R. J., & Gardner
Allyn & Bacon, 1996
Self in learning: Chinese adolescents' goals and sense of agency
J Li
Child Development 77 (2), 482-501, 2006
An integrated conceptual framework for the development of Asian American children and youth
J Mistry, J Li, H Yoshikawa, V Tseng, J Tirrell, L Kiang, R Mistry, Y Wang
Child Development 87 (4), 1014-1032, 2016
What makes a high-quality preschool? Similarities and differences between Chinese immigrant and European American parents’ views
Y Yamamoto, J Li
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (2), 306-315, 2012
The homework experience: Perceptions of low-income youth
J Bempechat, J Li, SM Neier, CA Gillis, SD Holloway
Journal of Advanced Academics 22 (2), 250-278, 2011
Perceptions of achievement and achieving peers in US and Chinese kindergartners
J Li, Q Wang
Social Development 13 (3), 413-436, 2004
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Articles 1–20