Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez
Jhon Jairo Olaya Florez
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Thin film growth through sputtering technique and its applications
E Alfonso, J Olaya, G Cubillos
Crystallization-Science and technology 23, 11-12, 2012
Niobium based coatings for dental implants
G Ramírez, SE Rodil, H Arzate, S Muhl, JJ Olaya
Applied Surface Science 257 (7), 2555-2559, 2011
Comparative study of chromium nitride coatings deposited by unbalanced and balanced magnetron sputtering
JJ Olaya, SE Rodil, S Muhl, E Sánchez
Thin solid films 474 (1-2), 119-126, 2005
Wear and corrosion resistance of niobium–chromium carbide coatings on AISI D2 produced through TRD
FE Castillejo, DM Marulanda, JJ Olaya, JE Alfonso
Surface and Coatings Technology 254, 104-111, 2014
Biocompatibility of niobium coatings
R Olivares-Navarrete, JJ Olaya, C Ramírez, SE Rodil
Coatings 1 (1), 72-87, 2011
Amorphous niobium oxide thin films
G Ramírez, SE Rodil, S Muhl, D Turcio-Ortega, JJ Olaya, M Rivera, ...
Journal of non-crystalline Solids 356 (50-51), 2714-2721, 2010
Corrosion resistance of niobium carbide coatings produced on AISI 1045 steel via thermo-reactive diffusion deposition
A OrjuelaG, R Rincon, JJ Olaya
Surface and Coatings Technology 259, 667-675, 2014
Sequía, un problema de perspectiva y gestión
I Velasco, L Ochoa, C Gutiérrez
Región y sociedad 17 (34), 35-71, 2005
Corrosion behaviour of CrN/Cr multilayers on stainless steel deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering
YL Chipatecua, JJ Olaya, DF Arias
Vacuum 86 (9), 1393-1401, 2012
Physical-chemical properties of bismuth and bismuth oxides: Synthesis, characterization and applications
CM Bedoya Hincapie, MJ Pinzon Cardenas, JE Alfonso Orjuela, ...
Dyna 79 (176), 139-148, 2012
Comparative study of niobium nitride coatings deposited by unbalanced and balanced magnetron sputtering
JJ Olaya, SE Rodil, S Muhl
Thin Solid Films 516 (23), 8319-8326, 2008
The effect of bilayer period and degree of unbalancing on magnetron sputtered Cr/CrN nano-multilayer wear and corrosion
DM Marulanda, JJ Olaya, U Piratoba, A Mariño, E Camps
Thin Solid Films 519 (6), 1886-1893, 2011
The influence of alkali treatment on banana fibre's mechanical properties
JC Mejía Osorio, R Rodríguez Baracaldo, JJ Olaya Florez
Ingeniería e investigación 32 (1), 83-87, 2012
Influence of the energy parameter on the microstructure of chromium nitride coatings
JJ Olaya, SE Rodil, S Muhl, L Huerta
Surface and Coatings technology 200 (20-21), 5743-5750, 2006
Corrosion resistance of zirconium oxynitride coatings deposited via DC unbalanced magnetron sputtering and spray pyrolysis-nitriding
GI Cubillos, M Bethencourt, JJ Olaya
Applied Surface Science 327, 288-295, 2015
Erosion–corrosion wear of Cr/CrN multi-layer coating deposited on AISI-304 stainless steel using the unbalanced magnetron (UBM) sputtering system
JA Alegría-Ortega, LM Ocampo-Carmona, FA Suárez-Bustamante, ...
Wear 290, 149-153, 2012
Influence of the ion–atom flux ratio on the mechanical properties of chromium nitride thin films
JJ Olaya, G Wei, SE Rodil, S Muhl, B Bhushan
Vacuum 81 (5), 610-618, 2007
Superconducting niobium nitride films deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering
JJ Olaya, L Huerta, SE Rodil, R Escamilla
Thin Solid Films 516 (23), 8768-8773, 2008
The influence of deposition temperature on microstructure and corrosion resistance of ZrOxNy/ZrO2 coatings deposited using RF sputtering
GI Cubillos, M Bethencourt, JJ Olaya, JE Alfonso, JF Marco
Applied surface science 309, 181-187, 2014
Unbalanced magnetic field configuration: plasma and film properties
SE Rodil, JJ Olaya
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (32), S1703, 2006
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Articles 1–20