Phil Ashworth
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Cited by
Size‐selective entrainment of bed load in gravel bed streams
PJ Ashworth, RI Ferguson
Water Resources Research 25 (4), 627-634, 1989
Three-dimensional sedimentary architecture of a large, mid-channel sand braid bar, Jamuna River, Bangladesh
JL Best, PJ Ashworth, CS Bristow, J Roden
Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (4), 516-530, 2003
Morphological evolution and dynamics of a large, sand braid‐bar, Jamuna River, Bangladesh
PJ Ashworth, JL Best, JE Roden, CS Bristow, GJ Klaassen
Sedimentology 47 (3), 533-555, 2000
Scour in large braided rivers and the recognition of sequence stratigraphic boundaries
JL Best, PJ Ashworth
Nature 387 (6630), 275-277, 1997
Physical modelling in fluvial geomorphology: principles, applications and unresolved issues
J Peakall, P Ashworth, J Best
The scientific nature of geomorphology, 221-253, 1996
Mid‐channel bar growth and its relationship to local flow strength and direction
PJ Ashworth
Earth surface processes and landforms 21 (2), 103-123, 1996
Interrelationships of channel processes, changes and sediments in a proglacial braided river
PJ Ashworth, RI Ferguson
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 68 (4), 361-371, 1986
Sediment slugs: large-scale fluctuations in fluvial sediment transport rates and storage volumes
AP Nicholas, PJ Ashworth, MJ Kirkby, MG Macklin, T Murray
Progress in physical geography 19 (4), 500-519, 1995
The sedimentology and alluvial architecture of the sandy braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada
GH Sambrook Smith, PJ Ashworth, JL Best, J Woodward, CJ Simpson
Sedimentology 53 (2), 413-434, 2006
Meander-bend evolution, alluvial architecture, and the role of cohesion in sinuous river channels: a flume study
J Peakall, PJ Ashworth, JL Best
Journal of Sedimentary Research 77 (3), 197-212, 2007
Virtual rate and mean distance of travel of individual clasts in gravel‐bed channels
MA Hassan, M Church, PJ Ashworth
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 17 (6), 617-627, 1992
Influence of sand on hydraulics and gravel transport in a braided gravel bed river
RI Ferguson, KL Prestegaard, PJ Ashworth
Water Resources Research 25 (4), 635-643, 1989
How do big rivers come to be different?
PJ Ashworth, J Lewin
Earth-Science Reviews 114 (1-2), 84-107, 2012
Secondary flow in anabranch confluences of a braided, gravel‐bed stream
PE Ashmore, RI Ferguson, KL Prestegaard, PJ Ashworth, C Paola
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 17 (3), 299-311, 1992
The Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh
JL Best, PJ Ashworth, MH Sarker, JE Roden
Large rivers: geomorphology and management, 395-430, 2007
The negative relief of large river floodplains
J Lewin, PJ Ashworth
Earth-Science Reviews 129, 1-23, 2014
Relationship between sediment supply and avulsion frequency in braided rivers
PJ Ashworth, JL Best, M Jones
Geology 32 (1), 21-24, 2004
Measurements in a braided river chute and lobe: 2. Sorting of bed load during entrainment, transport, and deposition
PJ Ashworth, RI Ferguson, PE Ashmore, C Paola, DM Powell, ...
Water Resources Research 28 (7), 1887-1896, 1992
Quantification of braided river channel change using archival digital image analysis
SN Lane, PE Widdison, RE Thomas, PJ Ashworth, JL Best, IA Lunt, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35 (8), 971-985, 2010
Measurements in a braided river chute and lobe: 1. Flow pattern, sediment transport, and channel change
RI Ferguson, PE Ashmore, PJ Ashworth, C Paola, KL Prestegaard
Water Resources Research 28 (7), 1877-1886, 1992
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Articles 1–20