Fan Jin
Fan Jin
在 mail.dlut.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Adhesive contact on power-law graded elastic solids: The JKR–DMT transition using a double-Hertz model
F Jin, X Guo, H Gao
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 61 (12), 2473-2492, 2013
A generalized JKR-model for two-dimensional adhesive contact of transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-space
X Guo, F Jin
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (20), 3607-3619, 2009
Mechanics of non-slipping adhesive contact on a power-law graded elastic half-space
X Guo, F Jin, H Gao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (18), 2565-2575, 2011
Non-slipping adhesive contact of a rigid cylinder on an elastic power-law graded half-space
F Jin, X Guo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (11-12), 1508-1521, 2010
A unified treatment of axisymmetric adhesive contact on a power-law graded elastic half-space
F Jin, X Guo, W Zhang
Journal of Applied Mechanics 80 (6), 061024, 2013
Mechanics of axisymmetric adhesive contact of rough surfaces involving power-law graded materials
F Jin, X Guo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (20-21), 3375-3386, 2013
Adhesive contact on randomly rough surfaces based on the double-Hertz model
W Zhang, F Jin, S Zhang, X Guo
Journal of Applied Mechanics 81 (5), 051008, 2014
Adhesion between elastic cylinders based on the double-Hertz model
F Jin, W Zhang, S Zhang, X Guo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (14), 2706-2712, 2014
Adhesive contact of a power-law graded elastic half-space with a randomly rough rigid surface
F Jin, W Zhang, Q Wan, X Guo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 81, 244-249, 2016
A generalized Maugis-Dugdale solution for adhesion of power-law graded elastic materials
F Jin, Q Tang, X Guo, H Gao
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 154, 104509, 2021
A double-Westergaard model for adhesive contact of a wavy surface
F Jin, Q Wan, X Guo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 102, 66-76, 2016
On the contact and adhesion of a piezoelectric half-space under a rigid punch with an axisymmetric power-law profile
F Jin, S Yan, X Guo, X Wang
Mechanics of Materials 129, 189-197, 2019
Revisiting the Maugis–Dugdale adhesion model of elastic periodic wavy surfaces
F Jin, X Guo, Q Wan
Journal of Applied Mechanics 83 (10), 101007, 2016
Normal contact model for elastic and plastic mechanics of rough surfaces
D Wang, Z Zhang, F Jin, X Fan
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 32, 148-159, 2019
Mode-mixity-dependent adhesion of power-law graded elastic solids under normal load and substrate stretch-induced mismatch strain
F Jin, X Guo
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (17), 2349-2357, 2012
Plane contact and partial slip behaviors of elastic layers with randomly rough surfaces
F Jin, Q Wan, X Guo
Journal of Applied Mechanics 82 (9), 091006, 2015
Leakage analysis of bolted flange joints considering surface roughness: A theoretical model
B Ma, F Jin, Z Sun, X Guo
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2018
Numerical analysis of the influence of distributed inhomogeneities on tangential fretting
Q Zhou, J Wang, Q Wan, F Jin, W Yang, Q Miao, Z Wang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2017
A lightweight optimal design model for bolted flange joints without gaskets considering its sealing performance
B Ma, Y Zhu, F Jin, Q Ding, X Guo
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2018
An equivalent indentation method for the external crack with a Dugdale cohesive zone
F Jin, D Yue
Journal of Elasticity 141 (1), 31-49, 2020
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