Saeid Mokaram
Saeid Mokaram
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
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Evaluation of fall detection classification approaches
H Kerdegari, K Samsudin, AR Ramli, S Mokaram
2012 4th International conference on intelligent and advanced systems …, 2012
A ROS-integrated API for the KUKA LBR iiwa collaborative robot
S Mokaram, U Martinez-Hernandez, JM Aitken, I Eimontaite, D Cameron, ...
Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of …, 2017
Lameness scoring system for dairy cows using force plates and artificial intelligence
S Mokaram, SM Ghamsari, I Nowrouzian, S Mokaram, SS Ghidary
Veterinary Record-English Edition 170 (5), 126, 2012
Language-free graphical signage improves human performance and reduces anxiety when working collaboratively with robots
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, JM Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100, 55-73, 2019
A pervasive neural network based fall detection system on smart phone
H Kerdegari, S Mokaram, K Samsudin, AR Ramli
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 7 (2), 221-230, 2015
Development Of Wearable Human Fall Detection System Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
H Kerdegari, K Samsudin, A Rahman Ramli, S Mokaram
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 6 (1), 127-136, 2013
Analyzing online political advertisements
DS Villegas, S Mokaram, N Aletras
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.04047, 2021
Automatic recognition of child speech for robotic applications in noisy environments
S Fernando, RK Moore, D Cameron, EC Collins, A Millings, AJ Sharkey, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.02695, 2016
Assessing graphical robot aids for interactive co-working
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, JM Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the …, 2016
Dynamic graphical instructions result in improved attitudes and decreased task completion time in human–robot co-working: an experimental manufacturing study
I Eimontaite, D Cameron, J Rolph, S Mokaram, JM Aitken, I Gwilt, J Law
Sustainability 14 (6), 3289, 2022
Cobotics: developing a visual language for human-robotic collaborations
I Gwilt, J Rolph, I Eimontaite, D Cameron, J Aitken, S Mokaram, J Law
Proceedings of the cumulus conference, 2018
Mobile robots communication and control framework for USARSim
S Mokaram, K Samsudin, AR Ramli, H Kerdegari
2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems …, 2012
Total discount policy and two warehouses strategy to store raw materials with economic order quantity model
A Allah Tale, S Mokaram, N Shafii, M Zarei
Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (7), 1267-1275, 2009
Lipsync. ai: Ai driven lips and tongue animations using articulatory phonetic descriptors and facs blendshapes
J Alvarez Masso, AM Rogozea, J Medvesek, S Mokaram, Y Yu
SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Emerging Technologies, 1-2, 2021
Speech-Based Location Estimation of First Responders in a Simulated Search and Rescue Scenario
S Mokaram, RK Moore
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2015
Graphical languages improve performance and reduce anxiety during human-robot co-working
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, JM Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
PLoS ONE (under review), 0
A window into the robot ‘mind’: Using a graphical real-time display to provide transparency of function in a brain-based robot
DR Buxton, H Kerdegari, S Mokaram, B Mitchinson, TJ Prescott
Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: 8th International Conference, Living …, 2019
Dynamic Graphical Signage Improves Response Time and Decreases Negative Attitudes towards Robots in Human-Robot Co-working
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, JM Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
Human Friendly Robotics: 10th International Workshop, 139-149, 2019
Graphical Signage Decreases Negative Attitudes towards Robots and Robot Anxiety in Human-Robot Co-working
I Eimontaite, I Gwilt, D Cameron, J Aitken, J Rolph, S Mokaram, J Law
UK-RAS Conference:‘Robots Working For & Among Us’ Proceedings, 83-86, 2018
The Sheffield Search and Rescue Corpus
S Mokaram, RK Moore
to be appeared in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and …, 2017
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Articles 1–20