Jens Mohrenweiser
Jens Mohrenweiser
Professor for HR/OB at Hochschule Stralsund
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Cited by
Why do firms train apprentices? The net cost puzzle reconsidered
J Mohrenweiser, T Zwick
Labour Economics 16 (6), 631-637, 2009
Apprenticeship training: for investment or substitution?
J Mohrenweiser, U Backes‐Gellner
International Journal of Manpower 31 (5), 545-562, 2010
Works councils and learning: On the dynamic dimension of codetermination
U Jirjahn, J Mohrenweiser, U Backes‐Gellner
Kyklos 64 (3), 427-447, 2011
Measuring the use of human resources practices and employee attitudes: The Linked Personnel Panel
P Kampkötter, J Mohrenweiser, D Sliwka, S Steffes, S Wolter
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship 4 (2), 94-115, 2016
What triggers the establishment of a works council?
J Mohrenweiser, P Marginson, U Backes-Gellner
Economic and Industrial Democracy 33 (2), 295-316, 2012
Poaching and firm‐sponsored training
J Mohrenweiser, T Zwick, U Backes‐Gellner
British Journal of Industrial Relations 57 (1), 143-181, 2019
Owner‐managers and the failure of newly adopted works councils
U Jirjahn, J Mohrenweiser
British Journal of Industrial Relations 54 (4), 815-845, 2016
Poaching and firm-sponsored training: First clean evidence
J Mohrenweiser, T Zwick, U Backes-Gellner
ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, 2013
The shelf life of incumbent workers during accelerating technological change: Evidence from a training regulation reform
S Janssen, J Mohrenweiser
IZA discussion paper, 2018
LPP–linked personnel panel
L Bellmann, S Bender, M Bossler, S Broszeit, C Dickmann, M Gensicke, ...
Quality of Work and Economic Success: Longitudinal Study in German …, 2015
Works councils and workplace health promotion in Germany
U Jirjahn, J Mohrenweiser, SC Smith
Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (3), 1059-1094, 2022
Works councils
J Mohrenweiser
Handbook of labor, human resources and population economics, 1-40, 2022
Recruitment and apprenticeship training
J Mohrenweiser
Industrielle Beziehungen/The German Journal of Industrial Relations, 6-24, 2016
Works councils and organizational gender policies in Germany
U Jirjahn, J Mohrenweiser
British Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (4), 1020-1048, 2021
Wie kann die durchschnittliche Ausbildungsquote in Deutschland korrekt gemessen werden?
P Jacobebbinghaus, J Mohrenweiser, T Zwick
AStA Wirtschafts-und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 3, 225-240, 2009
Distinguishing Companies with Different Apprenticeship Training Motivations–Evidence from German Establishment Data
J Mohrenweiser, U Backes-Gellner
Economics of Education Working Paper Series, 2006
Performance pay and applicant screening
U Jirjahn, J Mohrenweiser
British Journal of Industrial Relations 57 (3), 540-575, 2019
Zur Entwicklung der studienspezifischen Selbstwirksamkeit in der Oberstufe
J Mohrenweiser, F Pfeiffer
Journal for Labour Market Research 49 (1), 77-95, 2016
Youth unemployment after apprenticeship training and individual, occupation, and training employer characteristics
T Zwick, J Mohrenweiser
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 235 (4-5), 418-432, 2015
Die Wirkung des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes am Beispiel der Freistellung von Betriebsräten–ein Beitrag zur Rechtstatsachenforschung/The Effect of the Works Council Act on Paid …
U Backes-Gellner, J Mohrenweiser
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 230 (4), 420-435, 2010
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Articles 1–20