Jan Sikora
Cited by
Cited by
Anisotropic effects in highly scattering media
J Heino, S Arridge, J Sikora, E Somersalo
Physical Review E 68 (3), 031908, 2003
Three-dimensional reconstruction of shape and piecewise constant region values for optical tomography using spherical harmonic parametrization and a boundary element method
AD Zacharopoulos, SR Arridge, O Dorn, V Kolehmainen, J Sikora
Inverse Problems 22 (5), 1509, 2006
Diffuse photon propagation in multilayered geometries
J Sikora, A Zacharopoulos, A Douiri, M Schweiger, L Horesh, SR Arridge, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 51 (3), 497, 2006
Komputerowe metody analizy pola elektromagnetycznego
S Bolkowski, MM Stabrowski, J Skoczylas, J Sroka, J Sikora, ...
Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 1993
Boundary element method for impedance and optical tomography
J Sikora
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2007
Applying industrial tomography to control and optimization flow systems
T Rymarczyk, J Sikora
Open Physics 16 (1), 332-345, 2018
Practical implementation of electrical tomography in a distributed system to examine the condition of objects
T Rymarczyk, P Tchórzewski, P Adamkiewicz, K Duda, J Szumowski, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (24), 8166-8186, 2017
Identification of moisture content in brick walls by means of impedance tomography
J Hoła, Z Matkowski, K Schabowicz, J Sikora, K Nita, S Wójtowicz
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2012
New electrical tomographic method to determine dampness in historical buildings
T Rymarczyk, P Adamkiewicz, K Duda, J Szumowski, J Sikora
Archives of Electrical Engineering 65 (2), 273--283, 2016
Quality of imaging in multipath tomography
K Polakowski, SF Filipowicz, J Sikora, T Rymarczyk
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 85 (12), 134-136, 2009
Algorytmy numeryczne w tomografii impedancyjnej
J Sikora
Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 1998
Tomography Technology Application for Workflows of Gases Monitoring in The Automotive Systems
K Polakowski, S Filipowicz, J Sikora, T Rymarczyk
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 84 (12), 227-229, 2008
Comparison of machine learning methods in electrical tomography for detecting moisture in building walls
T Rymarczyk, G Kłosowski, A Hoła, J Sikora, T Wołowiec, P Tchórzewski, ...
Energies 14 (10), 2777, 2021
Principal component analysis and artificial neural network approach to electrical impedance tomography problems approximated by multi-region boundary element method
M Stasiak, J Sikora, SF Filipowicz, K Nita
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 31 (8), 713-720, 2007
Implementation of electrical impedance tomography for analysis of building moisture conditions
T Rymarczyk, J Sikora, P Tchórzewski
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2018
Effective ultrasound and radio tomography imaging algorithm for three-dimensional problems
T Rymarczyk, P Adamowicz, J Sikora, K Polakowski
2018 Applications of Electromagnetics in Modern Techniques and Medicine (PTZE), 2018
Moisture Wall Inspection Using Electrical Tomography Measurements
T Rymarczyk, K Szumowski, P Adamkiewicz, P Tchórzewski, J Sikora
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 94 (1), 97-100, 2018
Numeryczne metody rozwiązywania zagadnień brzegowych
J Sikora
Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin, 2011
Historical buildings dampness analysis using electrical tomography and machine learning algorithms
T Rymarczyk, G Kłosowski, A Hoła, J Hoła, J Sikora, P Tchórzewski, ...
Energies 14 (5), 1307, 2021
3D shape reconstruction in optical tomography using spherical harmonics and BEM
A Zacharopoulos, S Arridge, O Dorn, V Kolehmainen, J Sikora
Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications 20 (13), 1827-1836, 2006
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Articles 1–20