Maxim Sorokin
Maxim Sorokin
Research associate, Institute of Mathematical Machine and System Problems
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Cited by
Cited by
Hydrological dispersion module of JRODOS: renewed chain of the emergency response models of radionuclide dispersion through watersheds and rivers
M Zheleznyak, S Kivva, I Ievdin, O Boyko, P Kolomiets, M Sorokin, ...
Radioprotection 51 (HS2), S129-S131, 2016
Modeling of nonlinear hydrodynamics of the coastal areas of the Black Sea by the chain of the proprietary and open source models
I Kantardgi, M Zheleznyak, R Demchenko, P Dykyi, S Kivva, P Kolomiets, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11319, 2014
Resonance properties of seaport water areas
MJ Zheleznyak, IG Kantardgi, MS Sorokin, AI Polyakov
Inzenerno-Stroitel'nyj Zurnal, 3, 2015
The vortex state of an antiferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy
YI Dzhezherya, MV Sorokin, EA Bubuk
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 100 (3), 559-567, 2005
Numerical and physical modelling of the waves inside the new marina in Gelendjik (Black Sea). Application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection
I Kantarzhi, N Zuev, N Shunko, M Zeleznyak, P Dikiy, M Sorokin
Proceedings of 5th international conference Coastlab 2, 253-262, 2014
Modeling of behavior of Fukushima-derived radionuclides in freshwater systems
M Zheleznyak, S Kivva, O Pylypenko, M Sorokin
Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment III: Fukushima, 199-252, 2022
Моделирование волнового режима побережья Имеретинской низменности
ПВ Дикий, НН Дзюба, МИ Железняк, МВ Сорокин
International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering 7 …, 2011
Features of the motion of a 180° domain boundary in a thin ferromagnetic film with defects
YI Dzhezherya, MV Sorokin
Physics of the Solid State 41, 1121-1125, 1999
Inhomogeneous configurations of magnetization of ferromagnetic films with biaxial anisotropy
YI Dzhezherya, MV Sorockin, EA Bubuk
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 105, 738-744, 2007
Магніто-статичні доменні структури
ЮІ Джежеря, МВ Сорокін, ОО Бубук
Наукові вісті НТУУ “КПІ, 51-54, 2006
High performance computing of waves, currents and contaminants in rivers and coastal areas of seas on multi-processors systems and GPUs
M Sorokin, M Zheleznyak, S Kivva, P Kolomiets, O Pylypenko
EGU General Assembly 2020, 4-8, 2020
Verification of model waves in the port area with laboratory measurements
I Kantarzhi, M Zheleznyak, M Sorokin
Proc. of MEDCOAST 17 (31), 979-990, 2017
Численное моделирование резонансных свойств гаваней с помощью нелинейной негидростатической модели SWASH
МИ Железняк, РИ Демченко, ПВ Дикий, МВ Сорокин
Математические машины и системы, 78-87, 2014
Flood forecasting and flood inundation mapping system developed for Ukrainian parts of Prut and Siret river basins within EAST AVERT project
O Pylypenko, M Zheleznyak, O Boyko, I Kovalets, S Kivva, A Khalchenkov, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10652, 2018
Numerical Modeling for Flood Mapping under Climate Change Impacts: Transboundary Dniester River Study
M Zheleznyak, P Kolomiets, N Dzjuba, I Ievgen, M Sorokin, N Denisov, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9361, 2015
Energy dissipation of a domain wall in a defect field. Influence of film thickness
YI Dzhezherya, MV Sorokin
Low temperature physics 30 (12), 941-947, 2004
Updated module of radionuclide hydrological dispersion of the Decision Support System RODOS
S Kivva, M Zheleznyak, O Boyko, I Ievdin, O Pylypenko, O Mikhalsky, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19264, 2018
Modelling of Cs-137 transport in the nearshore zone of Fukushima-Daiichi NPP under the combined action of waves, currents and fluxes of sediments
M Zheleznyak, P Dykyi, S Kivva, O Pylypenko, M Sorokin, M Aoyama, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19294, 2018
Моделирование трансформации волн в прибрежной зоне шельфа с помощью полуспектральной модели HWAVE-S
Р Демченко, П Коломиец, М Сорокин
Тези доповідей П’ятої наук.-практ. конф. з міжнар. участю “Математичне та …, 2010
Розпаралелювання чисельних розв’язків рівнянь мілкої води методом скінченних об’ємів для реалізації на багатопроцесорних системах і графічних процесорах
МВ Сорокін
Екологічна безпека та природокористування 46 (2), 163-193, 2023
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Articles 1–20