Sergey Krishtopenko
Sergey Krishtopenko
THz spectroscopy team, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), Université Montpellier-CNRS
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Temperature-driven massless Kane fermions in HgCdTe crystals
F Teppe, M Marcinkiewicz, SS Krishtopenko, S Ruffenach, C Consejo, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12576, 2016
Pressure-and temperature-driven phase transitions in HgTe quantum wells
SS Krishtopenko, I Yahniuk, DB But, VI Gavrilenko, W Knap, F Teppe
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245402, 2016
HgCdTe-based heterostructures for terahertz photonics
S Ruffenach, A Kadykov, VV Rumyantsev, J Torres, D Coquillat, D But, ...
APL Materials 5 (3), 2017
Phase transitions in two tunnel-coupled HgTe quantum wells: Bilayer graphene analogy and beyond
SS Krishtopenko, W Knap, F Teppe
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30755, 2016
Temperature-induced topological phase transition in HgTe quantum wells
AM Kadykov, SS Krishtopenko, B Jouault, W Desrat, W Knap, S Ruffenach, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (8), 086401, 2018
Temperature-driven single-valley Dirac fermions in HgTe quantum wells
M Marcinkiewicz, S Ruffenach, SS Krishtopenko, AM Kadykov, C Consejo, ...
Physical Review B 96 (3), 035405, 2017
Realistic picture of helical edge states in HgTe quantum wells
SS Krishtopenko, F Teppe
Physical Review B 97 (16), 165408, 2018
Exchange enhancement of the g factor in InAs/AlSb heterostructures
VY Aleshkin, VI Gavrilenko, AV Ikonnikov, SS Krishtopenko, YG Sadofyev, ...
Semiconductors 42, 828-833, 2008
Quantum spin Hall insulator with a large bandgap, Dirac fermions, and bilayer graphene analog
SS Krishtopenko, F Teppe
Science advances 4 (4), eaap7529, 2018
Temperature-dependent terahertz spectroscopy of inverted-band three-layer InAs/GaSb/InAs quantum well
SS Krishtopenko, S Ruffenach, F Gonzalez-Posada, G Boissier, ...
Physical Review B 97 (24), 245419, 2018
Temperature-dependent magnetospectroscopy of HgTe quantum wells
AV Ikonnikov, SS Krishtopenko, O Drachenko, M Goiran, MS Zholudev, ...
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155421, 2016
Persistent photoconductivity in InAs/AlSb heterostructures with double quantum wells
VI Gavrilenko, AV Ikonnikov, SS Krishtopenko, AA Lastovkin, ...
Semiconductors 44, 616-622, 2010
Theory of g-factor enhancement in narrow-gap quantum well heterostructures
SS Krishtopenko, VI Gavrilenko, M Goiran
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (38), 385601, 2011
Splitting of cyclotron resonance line in InAs/AlSb QW heterostructures in high magnetic fields: effects of electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction
A Ikonnikov, S Krishtopenko, V Gavrilenko, Y Sadofyev, Y Vasilyev, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 159, 197-202, 2010
Effect of electron-electron interaction on cyclotron resonance in high-mobility InAs/AlSb quantum wells
SS Krishtopenko, AV Ikonnikov, M Orlita, YG Sadofyev, M Goiran, F Teppe, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (11), 2015
Rashba spin splitting and exchange enhancement of the g factor in InAs/AlSb heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas
SS Krishtopenko, KP Kalinin, VI Gavrilenko, YG Sadofyev, M Goiran
Semiconductors 46, 1163-1170, 2012
Cyclotron resonance study in InAs/AlSb quantum well heterostructures with two occupied electronic subbands
SS Krishtopenko, AV Ikonnikov, AV Maremyanin, KE Spirin, VI Gavrilenko, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (9), 2012
Magneto-transport in inverted HgTe quantum wells
I Yahniuk, SS Krishtopenko, G Grabecki, B Jouault, C Consejo, W Desrat, ...
npj Quantum Materials 4 (1), 13, 2019
Massless Dirac fermions in III-V semiconductor quantum wells
SS Krishtopenko, W Desrat, KE Spirin, C Consejo, S Ruffenach, ...
Physical Review B 99 (12), 121405, 2019
The effect of exchange interaction on quasiparticle Landau levels in narrow-gap quantum well heterostructures
SS Krishtopenko, VI Gavrilenko, M Goiran
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (13), 135601, 2012
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Articles 1–20