Andrew Cotter
Andrew Cotter
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Pegasos: Primal estimated sub-gradient solver for svm
S Shalev-Shwartz, Y Singer, N Srebro
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, 807-814, 2007
Better mini-batch algorithms via accelerated gradient methods
A Cotter, O Shamir, N Srebro, K Sridharan
Advances in neural information processing systems 24, 2011
Satisfying real-world goals with dataset constraints
G Goh, A Cotter, M Gupta, MP Friedlander
Advances in neural information processing systems 29, 2016
Stochastic optimization for PCA and PLS
R Arora, A Cotter, K Livescu, N Srebro
2012 50th annual allerton conference on communication, control, and …, 2012
Optimization with non-differentiable constraints with applications to fairness, recall, churn, and other goals
A Cotter, H Jiang, M Gupta, S Wang, T Narayan, S You, K Sridharan
Journal of Machine Learning Research 20 (172), 1-59, 2019
Monotonic calibrated interpolated look-up tables
M Gupta, A Cotter, J Pfeifer, K Voevodski, K Canini, A Mangylov, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (109), 1-47, 2016
Two-player games for efficient non-convex constrained optimization
A Cotter, H Jiang, K Sridharan
Algorithmic Learning Theory, 300-332, 2019
Robust optimization for fairness with noisy protected groups
S Wang, W Guo, H Narasimhan, A Cotter, M Gupta, M Jordan
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 5190-5203, 2020
Pairwise fairness for ranking and regression
H Narasimhan, A Cotter, M Gupta, S Wang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 5248-5255, 2020
Training well-generalizing classifiers for fairness metrics and other data-dependent constraints
A Cotter, M Gupta, H Jiang, N Srebro, K Sridharan, S Wang, B Woodworth, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1397-1405, 2019
Stochastic optimization of PCA with capped MSG
R Arora, A Cotter, N Srebro
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, 2013
Fast and flexible monotonic functions with ensembles of lattices
M Milani Fard, K Canini, A Cotter, J Pfeifer, M Gupta
Advances in neural information processing systems 29, 2016
Explicit approximations of the Gaussian kernel
A Cotter, J Keshet, N Srebro
arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.4603, 2011
A GPU-tailored approach for training kernelized SVMs
A Cotter, N Srebro, J Keshet
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
Learning optimally sparse support vector machines
A Cotter, S Shalev-Shwartz, N Srebro
International Conference on Machine Learning, 266-274, 2013
Dynamic well-spaced point sets
UA Acar, A Cotter, B Hudson, D Türkoglu
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2010
On making stochastic classifiers deterministic
A Cotter, M Gupta, H Narasimhan
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Optimizing generalized rate metrics with three players
H Narasimhan, A Cotter, M Gupta
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Diminishing returns shape constraints for interpretability and regularization
M Gupta, D Bahri, A Cotter, K Canini
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
A light touch for heavily constrained SGD
A Cotter, M Gupta, J Pfeifer
Conference on Learning Theory, 729-771, 2016
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Articles 1–20