Andrew Robertson
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Cited by
Wildlife disease ecology from the individual to the population: Insights from a long‐term study of a naturally infected European badger population
JL McDonald, A Robertson, MJ Silk
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (1), 101-112, 2018
Individual foraging specialisation in a social mammal: the European badger (Meles meles)
A Robertson, RA McDonald, RJ Delahay, SD Kelly, S Bearhop
Oecologia 176, 409-421, 2014
Resource availability affects individual niche variation and its consequences in group-living European badgers Meles meles
A Robertson, RA McDonald, RJ Delahay, SD Kelly, S Bearhop
Oecologia 178, 31-43, 2015
Impacts of removing badgers on localised counts of hedgehogs
ID Trewby, R Young, RA McDonald, GJ Wilson, J Davison, N Walker, ...
Plos one 9 (4), e95477, 2014
Whisker growth in wild Eurasian badgers Meles meles: implications for stable isotope and bait marking studies
A Robertson, RA McDonald, RJ Delahay, SD Kelly, S Bearhop
European Journal of Wildlife Research 59, 341-350, 2013
Blood thicker than water: kinship, disease prevalence and group size drive divergent patterns of infection risk in a social mammal
CH Benton, RJ Delahay, A Robertson, RA McDonald, AJ Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1835), 20160798, 2016
Testing of a palatable bait and compatible vaccine carrier for the oral vaccination of European badgers (Meles meles) against tuberculosis
S Gowtage, GA Williams, R Henderson, P Aylett, D MacMorran, S Palmer, ...
Vaccine 35 (6), 987-992, 2017
High prevalence of trypanosomes in European badgers detected using ITS-PCR
EJ Ideozu, AM Whiteoak, AJ Tomlinson, A Robertson, RJ Delahay, G Hide
Parasites & vectors 8, 1-6, 2015
Behaviour of European badgers and non-target species towards candidate baits for oral delivery of a tuberculosis vaccine
A Robertson, RJ Delahay, RA McDonald, P Aylett, R Henderson, ...
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 135, 95-101, 2016
Group size correlates with territory size in European badgers: implications for the resource dispersion hypothesis?
A Robertson, KL Palphramand, SP Carter, RJ Delahay
Oikos 124 (4), 507-514, 2015
How well do farmers know their badgers? Relating farmer knowledge to ecological survey data
A Robertson, RJ Delahay, GJ Wilson, IJ Vernon, RA McDonald, J Judge
Veterinary Record 180 (2), 48-48, 2017
Exposure of nontarget wildlife to candidate TB vaccine baits deployed for European badgers
A Robertson, MA Chambers, RJ Delahay, RA McDonald, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 61, 263-269, 2015
Trophic Enrichment Factors for Blood Serum in the European Badger (Meles meles)
DJ Kelly, A Robertson, D Murphy, T Fitzsimons, E Costello, E Gormley, ...
Plos one 7 (12), e53071, 2012
National ciguatera research strategy: reducing the incidence of ciguatera in Australia through improved risk management (eds: A Seger, N Dowsett and A Turnbull)
P Beatty, M Boulter, S Carter, M Chinain, M Doblin, H Farrell, C Gatti, ...
University Of Tasmania, 2019
A Robertson
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Articles 1–15