Dr Colin Crump
Dr Colin Crump
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PACS‐2 controls endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria communication and Bid‐mediated apoptosis
T Simmen, JE Aslan, AD Blagoveshchenskaya, L Thomas, L Wan, ...
The EMBO journal 24 (4), 717-729, 2005
Trans-Golgi network sorting
F Gu, CM Crump, G Thomas
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS 58, 1067-1084, 2001
Widespread disruption of host transcription termination in HSV-1 infection
AJ Rutkowski, F Erhard, A L’Hernault, T Bonfert, M Schilhabel, C Crump, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7126, 2015
PACS-1 binding to adaptors is required for acidic cluster motif-mediated protein traffic
CM Crump, Y Xiang, L Thomas, F Gu, C Austin, SA Tooze, G Thomas
The EMBO journal 20 (9), 2191-2201, 2001
Tegument assembly and secondary envelopment of alphaherpesviruses
DJ Owen, CM Crump, SC Graham
Viruses 7 (9), 5084-5114, 2015
Herpes simplex virus type 1 cytoplasmic envelopment requires functional Vps4
CM Crump, C Yates, T Minson
Journal of virology 81 (14), 7380-7387, 2007
Herpes simplex virus type 1 production requires a functional ESCRT-III complex but is independent of TSG101 and ALIX expression
T Pawliczek, CM Crump
Journal of virology 83 (21), 11254-11264, 2009
Structural analysis of herpes simplex virus by optical super-resolution imaging
RF Laine, A Albecka, S Van De Linde, EJ Rees, CM Crump, CF Kaminski
Nature communications 6 (1), 5980, 2015
Vps4 and the ESCRT-III complex are required for the release of infectious hepatitis C virus particles
L Corless, CM Crump, SDC Griffin, M Harris
Journal of General Virology 91 (2), 362-372, 2010
Alphaherpesvirus glycoprotein M causes the relocalization of plasma membrane proteins
CM Crump, B Bruun, S Bell, LE Pomeranz, T Minson, HM Browne
Journal of General Virology 85 (12), 3517-3527, 2004
A systematic analysis of host factors reveals a Med23-interferon-λ regulatory axis against herpes simplex virus type 1 replication
SJ Griffiths, M Koegl, C Boutell, HL Zenner, CM Crump, F Pica, ...
PLoS Pathogens 9 (8), e1003514, 2013
A Nuclear localization signal in herpesvirus protein VP1-2 is essential for infection via capsid routing to the nuclear pore
F Abaitua, M Hollinshead, M Bolstad, CM Crump, P O'hare
Journal of virology 86 (17), 8998-9014, 2012
Herpes simplex virus 1 counteracts tetherin restriction via its virion host shutoff activity
HL Zenner, R Mauricio, G Banting, CM Crump
Journal of virology 87 (24), 13115-13123, 2013
Role of PACS-1 in trafficking of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B and virus production
CM Crump, CH Hung, L Thomas, L Wan, G Thomas
Journal of virology 77 (20), 11105-11113, 2003
Analysis of Rab GTPase-activating proteins indicates that Rab1a/b and Rab43 are important for herpes simplex virus 1 secondary envelopment
HL Zenner, S Yoshimura, FA Barr, CM Crump
Journal of virology 85 (16), 8012-8021, 2011
Virus assembly and egress of HSV
C Crump
Human herpesviruses, 23-44, 2018
Budding of filamentous and non-filamentous influenza A virus occurs via a VPS4 and VPS28-independent pathway
EA Bruce, L Medcalf, CM Crump, SL Noton, AD Stuart, HM Wise, D Elton, ...
Virology 390 (2), 268-278, 2009
The phosphorylation state of an autoregulatory domain controls PACS‐1‐directed protein traffic
GK Scott, F Gu, CM Crump, L Thomas, L Wan, Y Xiang, G Thomas
The EMBO journal, 2003
HSV‐1 glycoproteins are delivered to virus assembly sites through dynamin‐dependent endocytosis
A Albecka, RF Laine, AFJ Janssen, CF Kaminski, CM Crump
Traffic 17 (1), 21-39, 2016
Dual function of the pUL7-pUL51 tegument protein complex in herpes simplex virus 1 infection
A Albecka, DJ Owen, L Ivanova, J Brun, R Liman, L Davies, MF Ahmed, ...
Journal of virology 91 (2), 10.1128/jvi. 02196-16, 2017
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