Stephen V. Burks
Stephen V. Burks
Professor Emeritus of Economics and Management, University of Minnesota Morris
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Cognitive skills affect economic preferences, strategic behavior, and job attachment
SV Burks, JP Carpenter, L Goette, A Rustichini
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (19), 7745-7750, 2009
Playing Both Roles in the Trust Game
SV Burks, JP Carpenter, E Verhoogen
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 51 (2), 195-216, 2003
The value of hiring through employee referrals
SV Burks, B Cowgill, M Hoffman, M Housman
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 130 (2), 805-839, 2015
Overconfidence and social signalling
SV Burks, JP Carpenter, L Goette, A Rustichini
Review of Economic Studies 80 (3), 949-983, 2013
Toward the integration of personality theory and decision theory in explaining economic behavior: An experimental investigation
A Rustichini, CG DeYoung, JE Anderson, SV Burks
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 64, 122-137, 2016
The effect of stakes in distribution experiments
J Carpenter, E Verhoogen, S Burks
Economics Letters 86 (3), 393-398, 2005
Comparing students to workers: The effect of stakes, social framing, and demographics on bargaining outcomes
JP Carpenter, S Burks, E Verhoogen
Field Experiments in Economics. Research in Experimental Economics, 261-90, 2005
Self-selection and variations in the laboratory measurement of other-regarding preferences across subject pools: evidence from one college student and two adult samples
J Anderson, SV Burks, J Carpenter, L Götte, K Maurer, D Nosenzo, ...
Experimental Economics 16, 170-189, 2013
Which measures of time preference best predict outcomes: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment
S Burks, J Carpenter, L Götte, A Rustichini
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84 (1), 308-320, 2012
Obesity is associated with the future risk of heavy truck crashes among newly recruited commercial drivers
JE Anderson, M Govada, TK Steffen, CP Thorne, V Varvarigou, SN Kales, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 378-384, 2012
Performance pay and worker cooperation: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment
S Burks, J Carpenter, L Goette
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 70 (3), 458-469, 2009
A multimethod approach to identifying norms and normative expectations within a corporate hierarchy: Evidence from the financial services industry
SV Burks, EL Krupka
Management Science 58 (1), 203-217, 2012
Nonadherence with Employer-Mandated Sleep Apnea Treatment and Increased Risk of Serious Truck Crashes
SV Burks, JE Anderson, M Bombyk, R Haider, D Ganzhorn, X Jiao, ...
Sleep 39 (5), 969-75, 2016
Worker overconfidence: Field evidence and implications for employee turnover and firm profits
M Hoffman, SV Burks
Quantitative Economics 11 (1), 315-348, 2020
Cognitive skills, personality, and economic preferences in collegiate success
SV Burks, C Lewis, PA Kivi, A Wiener, JE Anderson, L Götte, ...
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 115, 30-44, 2015
Using behavioral economic field experiments at a firm: the context and design of the truckers and turnover project
SV Burks, J Carpenter, L Götte, K Monaco, K Porter, A Rustichini
The analysis of firms and employees: quantitative and qualitative approaches …, 2008
Is the US labor market for truck drivers broken
SV Burks, K Monaco
Monthly Labor Review 142, 1, 2019
Trucking 101: An industry primer
SV Burks, M Belzer, Q Kwan, S Pratt, S Shackelford
Transportation Research Circular, 2010
Training contracts, employee turnover, and the returns from firm-sponsored general training
M Hoffman, SV Burks
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Fairness and freight-handlers: local labor market conditions and wage-fairness perceptions in a trucking firm
EA Verhoogen, SV Burks, JP Carpenter
ILR Review 60 (4), 477-498, 2007
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