Alberto Navalón Montón
Alberto Navalón Montón
Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry. University of Granada
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Bisphenol-A and chlorinated derivatives in adipose tissue of women
MF Fernandez, JP Arrebola, J Taoufiki, A Navalón, O Ballesteros, ...
Reproductive toxicology 24 (2), 259-264, 2007
Differentiation of green, white, black, Oolong, and Pu-erh teas according to their free amino acids content
A Alcázar, O Ballesteros, JM Jurado, F Pablos, MJ Martín, JL Vilches, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 55 (15), 5960-5965, 2007
Removal and degradation characteristics of quinolone antibiotics in laboratory-scale activated sludge reactors under aerobic, nitrifying and anoxic conditions
N Dorival-García, A Zafra-Gómez, A Navalón, J González-López, ...
Journal of environmental management 120, 75-83, 2013
Sensitive gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric method for the determination of phthalate esters, alkylphenols, bisphenol A and their chlorinated derivatives in wastewater samples
O Ballesteros, A Zafra, A Navalón, JL Vílchez
Journal of chromatography A 1121 (2), 154-162, 2006
Removal of quinolone antibiotics from wastewaters by sorption and biological degradation in laboratory-scale membrane bioreactors
N Dorival-García, A Zafra-Gómez, A Navalón, J González, JL Vílchez
Science of the total Environment 442, 317-328, 2013
Spectrofluorimetric determination of paracetamol in pharmaceuticals and biological fluids
JL Vilchez, R Blanc, R Avidad, A Navalón
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 13 (9), 1119-1125, 1995
Simultaneous determination of 13 quinolone antibiotic derivatives in wastewater samples using solid‐phase extraction and ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass …
N Dorival‐García, A Zafra‐Gómez, S Cantarero, A Navalón, JL Vílchez
Microchemical Journal 106, 323-333, 2013
Determination of imidacloprid in vegetable samples by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
A Navalón, A González-Casado, R El-Khattabi, JL Vilchez, ...
Analyst 122 (6), 579-581, 1997
UHPLC–MS/MS method for the determination of bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives, bisphenol S, parabens, and benzophenones in human urine samples
F Vela-Soria, O Ballesteros, A Zafra-Gómez, L Ballesteros, A Navalón
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 406, 3773-3785, 2014
Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric method for the determination of bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives in urban wastewater
A Zafra, M del Olmo, B Suárez, E Hontoria, A Navalón, JL Vı́lchez
Water research 37 (4), 735-742, 2003
Determination of ciprofloxacin in human urine and serum samples by solid-phase spectrofluorimetry
A Navalon, O Ballesteros, R Blanc, JL Vı́lchez
Talanta 52 (5), 845-852, 2000
Determination of Bisphenol A and its chlorinated derivatives in placental tissue samples by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
I Jimenez-Diaz, A Zafra-Gomez, O Ballesteros, N Navea, A Navalón, ...
Journal of Chromatography B 878 (32), 3363-3369, 2010
Determination of quinolones in chicken tissues by liquid chromatography with ultraviolet absorbance detection
S Bailac, O Ballesteros, E Jiménez-Lozano, D Barrón, V Sanz-Nebot, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1029 (1-2), 145-151, 2004
Determination of oxadiazon residues by headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
A Navalon, A Prieto, L Araujo, JL Vılchez
Journal of Chromatography A 946 (1-2), 239-245, 2002
A new liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of parabens in human placental tissue samples
I Jiménez-Díaz, F Vela-Soria, A Zafra-Gómez, A Navalón, O Ballesteros, ...
Talanta 84 (3), 702-709, 2011
Multiclass method for the determination of quinolones and β-lactams, in raw cow milk using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and ultra high performance liquid …
A Junza, N Dorival-García, A Zafra-Gómez, D Barrón, O Ballesteros, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1356, 10-22, 2014
Simultaneous determination of naproxen, salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid by spectrofluorimetry using partial least-squares (PLS) multivariate calibration
A Navalón, R Blanc, M del Olmo, JL Vilchez
Talanta 48 (2), 469-475, 1999
Differential-pulse polarographic determination of the insecticide imidacloprid in commercial formulations
A Navalón, R El-Khattabi, A González-Casado, JL Vilchez
Microchimica acta 130, 261-265, 1999
Determination of fipronil by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
JL Vı́lchez, A Prieto, L Araujo, A Navalon
Journal of chromatography A 919 (1), 215-221, 2001
Analytical methods for the determination of personal care products in human samples: An overview
I Jiménez-Díaz, A Zafra-Gómez, O Ballesteros, A Navalón
Talanta 129, 448-458, 2014
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Articles 1–20