Erik Harvey-Girard
Erik Harvey-Girard
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SK channels provide a novel mechanism for the control of frequency tuning in electrosensory neurons
LD Ellis, WH Mehaffey, E Harvey-Girard, RW Turner, L Maler, RJ Dunn
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (35), 9491-9502, 2007
Frequency-tuned cerebellar channels and burst-induced LTD lead to the cancellation of redundant sensory inputs
K Bol, G Marsat, E Harvey-Girard, A Longtin, L Maler
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (30), 11028-11038, 2011
Hippocampal‐like circuitry in the pallium of an electric fish: Possible substrates for recursive pattern separation and completion
SB Elliott, E Harvey‐Girard, ACC Giassi, L Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 525 (1), 8-46, 2017
Functional characterization of the D188V mutation in neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel causing generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS)
P Cossette, A Loukas, RG Lafreničre, D Rochefort, E Harvey-Girard, ...
Epilepsy research 53 (1-2), 107-117, 2003
Long‐term recognition memory of individual conspecifics is associated with telencephalic expression of Egr‐1 in the electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus
E Harvey‐Girard, J Tweedle, J Ironstone, M Cuddy, W Ellis, L Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 518 (14), 2666-2692, 2010
Burst-induced anti-Hebbian depression acts through short-term synaptic dynamics to cancel redundant sensory signals
E Harvey-Girard, J Lewis, L Maler
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (17), 6152-6169, 2010
Organization of the gymnotiform fish pallium in relation to learning and memory: IV. Expression of conserved transcription factors and implications for the evolution of dorsal …
E Harvey‐Girard, ACC Giassi, W Ellis, L Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 520 (15), 3395-3413, 2012
Organization of the gymnotiform fish pallium in relation to learning and memory: I. Cytoarchitectonics and cellular morphology
ACC Giassi, E Harvey‐Girard, B Valsamis, L Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 520 (15), 3314-3337, 2012
Regulated expression of N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptors and associated proteins in teleost electrosensory system and telencephalon
E Harvey‐Girard, RJ Dunn, LEN Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 505 (6), 644-668, 2007
Cryptic laminar and columnar organization in the dorsolateral pallium of a weakly electric fish
AT Trinh, E Harvey‐Girard, F Teixeira, L Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 524 (2), 408-428, 2016
A time-stamp mechanism may provide temporal information necessary for egocentric to allocentric spatial transformations
A Wallach, E Harvey-Girard, JJ Jun, A Longtin, L Maler
Elife 7, e36769, 2018
Excitatory amino acid receptors of the electrosensory system: the NR1/NR2B N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
E Harvey-Girard, RJ Dunn
Journal of neurophysiology 89 (2), 822-832, 2003
Expression of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor in the gymnotiform fish brain and its implications for the organization of the teleost pallium
E Harvey‐Girard, ACC Giassi, W Ellis, L Maler
Journal of Comparative Neurology 521 (4), 949-975, 2013
Reversible inhibition of proton release activity and the anesthetic-induced acid-base equilibrium between the 480 and 570 nm forms of bacteriorhodopsin
F Boucher, SG Taneva, S Elouatik, M Dery, S Messaoudi, E Harvey-Girard, ...
Biophysical journal 70 (2), 948-961, 1996
Envelope gating and noise shaping in populations of noisy neurons
JW Middleton, E Harvey-Girard, L Maler, A Longtin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
Dendritic SK channels convert NMDA-R-dependent LTD to burst timing-dependent plasticity
E Harvey-Girard, L Maler
Journal of Neurophysiology 110 (12), 2689-2703, 2013
Cellular and network mechanisms may generate sparse coding of sequential object encounters in hippocampal-like circuits
AT Trinh, SE Clarke, E Harvey-Girard, L Maler
eneuro 6 (4), 2019
Lipid-protein interactions in the purple membrane: structural specificity within the hydrophobic domain
V Pomerleau, E Harvey-Girard, F Boucher
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1234 (2), 221-224, 1995
Sex-specific role of a glutamate receptor subtype in a pacemaker nucleus controlling electric behavior
L Quintana, E Harvey-Girard, C Lescano, O Macadar, D Lorenzo
Journal of Physiology-Paris 108 (2-3), 155-166, 2014
Subsecond sensory modulation of serotonin levels in a primary sensory area and its relation to ongoing communication behavior in a weakly electric fish
H Fotowat, E Harvey-Girard, JF Cheer, R Krahe, L Maler
eneuro 3 (5), 2016
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Articles 1–20