Ananish Chaudhuri
Ananish Chaudhuri
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Sustaining cooperation in laboratory public goods experiments: a selective survey of the literature
A Chaudhuri
Experimental economics 14, 47-83, 2011
Gender, culture, and corruption: Insights from an experimental analysis
V Alatas, L Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan
Southern Economic Journal 75 (3), 663-680, 2009
Propensities to engage in and punish corrupt behavior: Experimental evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singapore
L Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan
Journal of public economics 93 (7-8), 843-851, 2009
An experimental analysis of trust and trustworthiness
A Chaudhuri, L Gangadharan
Southern Economic Journal 73 (4), 959-985, 2007
Talking ourselves to efficiency: Coordination in inter‐generational minimum effort games with private, almost common and common knowledge of advice
A Chaudhuri, A Schotter, B Sopher
The Economic Journal 119 (534), 91-122, 2009
Subject pool effects in a corruption experiment: A comparison of Indonesian public servants and Indonesian students
V Alatas, L Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan
Experimental Economics 12, 113-132, 2009
Social learning and norms in a public goods experiment with inter-generational advice
A Chaudhuri, S Graziano, P Maitra
The Review of Economic Studies 73 (2), 357-380, 2006
Gender differences in trust and reciprocity
A Chaudhuri, L Gangadharan
ResearchSpace@ Auckland, 2003
Cooperation in social dilemmas, trust and reciprocity
A Chaudhuri, B Sopher, P Strand
Journal of Economic Psychology 23 (2), 231-249, 2002
Experiments in economics: playing fair with money
A Chaudhuri
Routledge, 2008
New advances in experimental research on corruption
RM Isaac, DA Norton
Emerald Group Publishing, 2012
The dual evolutionary foundations of political ideology
S Claessens, K Fischer, A Chaudhuri, CG Sibley, QD Atkinson
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (4), 336-345, 2020
Conditional cooperation and voluntary contributions to a public good
A Chaudhuri, T Paichayontvijit
Economics Bulletin 3 (8), 1-14, 2006
Chapter 2 Gender and corruption: A survey of the experimental evidence
A Chaudhuri
New advances in experimental research on corruption, 13-49, 2012
Do attitudes towards corruption differ across cultures? Experimental evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singapore
LA Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan
Experimental Evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singapore (July 2005), 2005
Gender differences in trust and trustworthiness: Individuals, single sex and mixed sex groups
A Chaudhuri, T Paichayontvijit, L Shen
Journal of Economic Psychology 34, 181-194, 2013
Belief heterogeneity and contributions decay among conditional cooperators in public goods games
A Chaudhuri, T Paichayontvijit, A Smith
Journal of Economic Psychology 58, 15-30, 2017
Trust and trustworthiness in a sequential bargaining game
A Chaudhuri, S Ali Khan, A Lakshmiratan, AL Py, L Shah
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 16 (5), 331-340, 2003
Formal and informal sector credit institutions and interlinkage
D Chakrabarty, A Chaudhuri
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 46 (3), 313-325, 2001
The ratchet principle in a principal agent game with unknown costs: an experimental analysis
A Chaudhuri
Journal of economic behavior & organization 37 (3), 291-304, 1998
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Articles 1–20