Hernando Jiménez Forero
Hernando Jiménez Forero
Docente ing Mecánica UAN
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Effect of the Substrate Temperature in ZrN Coatings Grown by the Pulsed Arc Technique Studied by XRD.
AD H. Jiménez, E. Restrepo
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (3-4), 1594–1601, 2006
Thermal protection of H13 steel by growth of (TiAl)N films by PAPVD pulsed arc technique.
JMV H. Jiménez, D.M. Devia, V. Benavides, A. Devia, Y.C. Arango, P.J. Arango
Materials Characterization 59 (8), 1070–1077, 2008
Diagnostics of Pulsed Vacuum Arc Discharges by Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Electrostatic Double Probe Measurements
AD L. A. García, E. Restrepo, H. A. Castillo, R. Ospina, V. J. Benavides
Vacuum 81 (4), 411–416, 2006
Corrosion resistance of Ni-based coatings deposited by spray and fuse technique varying oxygen flow
CAPV H. Jiménez, J.J. Olaya, J.E. Alfonso
Surface and Coatings Technology 321, 341–349, 2017
Corrosion Resistance of Ni-Based WC/Co Coatings Deposited by Spray and Fuse Process Varying the Oxygen Flow
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2017
Tribological Behavior of Ni‐Based WC‐Co Coatings Deposited via Spray and Fuse Technique Varying the Oxygen Flow
H Jiménez, JJ Olaya, JE Alfonso
Advances in Tribology 2021 (1), 8898349, 2021
Production and characterization of hard films of ZrN with temperature variations
H Jiménez, CM Molina, V Benavides, R Ospina, LA Sánchez, AL Giraldo, ...
physica status solidi (c) 2 (10), 3702-3705, 2005
Effect of Tempering Temperature on Microstructural, Crystallographic and Wear Resistance Properties of ASI/SAE 1045 Steel.
R Echeverry, H Jiménez, VJ Benavides
Scientia et Technica 26 (2), 2021
Effects on hardness and microstructure of AISI1020 low-carbon steel processed by high-pressuretorsion
TGL Diana Maritza Marulanda Cardona, Jittraporn Wongsa-Ngam, Hernando Jimenez
Journal of materials science and technology, 2017
Mejoramiento de la vida útil de moldes para la producción de rines utilizados por la empresa MADEAL SA mediante el recubrimiento con películas delgadas producidas por la …
H Jiménez Forero
Departamento de Física y Química, 2009
Characterization and Surface Treatment of Materials Used in MADEAL S.A. Industry Productive Process of Rims by Plasma Assisted Repetitive Pulsed Arcs Technique.
GV H. Jiménez, V. H. Salazar, A. Devia, S. Jaramillo
Plasma and Fusion Sience 875, 203, 2006
Produccion y caracterizacion de recubrimientos duros de ZrN variando la temperatura de crecimiento
HAF Jimenez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias y …, 2005
Caracterización con espectroscopía óptica de emisión de un plasma utilizado en la producción de recubrimientos de tio2
HJ Forero, CM González, ER Parra, AD Cubillos
Scientia et technica 10 (26), 147-150, 2004
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Articles 1–13