Ahmad M. Obeidat
Ahmad M. Obeidat
associate professor
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The moderating role of perceived company effort in mitigating customer misconduct within Online Brand Communities (OBC)
N Sweiss, ZM Obeidat, RM Al-Dweeri, A Mohammad Khalaf Ahmad, ...
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (6), 657-680, 2022
Social media revenge: A typology of online consumer revenge
ZM Obeidat, SH Xiao, Z al Qasem, A Obeidat
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 45, 239-255, 2018
The other customer online revenge: A moderated mediation model of avenger expertise and message trustworthiness
ZM Obeidat, AA Alalwan, AM Baabdullah, AM Obeidat, YK Dwivedi
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 7 (4), 100230, 2022
The relationship between perceived human resource management practices and turnover-intention: The mediating role of organizational attractiveness
AM Obeidat
Modern Applied Science 13 (2), 216-227, 2019
Promoting radical innovation through performance-based rewards: the mediating role of knowledge acquisition and innovative work behavior
MM Thneibat, AM Obeidat, ZM Obeidat, R Al-dweeri, M Thneibat
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 19 (02), 2250005, 2022
Exploring the determinants of Internet continuance intention and the negative impact of Internet addiction on students’ academic performance
M Maqableh, A Obeidat, Z Obeida
International Journal of Data and Network Science 5 (3), 183-196, 2021
Examining the determinants of Facebook continuance intention and addiction: the moderating role of satisfaction and trust
M Maqableh, Z Obeidat, A Obeidat, M Jaradat, MH Shah, R Masa’deh
Informatics 8 (3), 62, 2021
Jordanian’s Economic Challenges & Aspirations: An Empirical Examination
ZM Obeidat, M Obeidat, SH Xiao, AM Obeidat
International Journal of Business and Economics Research 3 (5), 29-37, 2016
High-involvement HRM and positive WOM intentions: a mediation model
AM Obeidat
Management Research Review 44 (5), 781-805, 2021
Wasteful consumption of bread: Its levels, sources, and possible solutions: A case study of Jordan
Z Obeidat, M Obeidat, A Obeidat
European Journal of Business and Management 7, 15, 2015
Facilitating the Creativity of Governmental Employees via High-Involvement Human Resource Management Practices: The Mediating Role of Felt-Trust
AM Obeidat
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 18 (1), 1-20, 2022
national culture, trust, social networking and knowledge sharing within a knowledge-intensive sector: a mediation analysis
N Al-Zoubi, J., Dahiyat, S. E., Obeidat, A. M., Aboyasin
international journal of productivity and quality management, 2020
The Value System of Youths in Jordan: Implications for Human Resource & Marketing Managers
AM Obeidat, ZM Obeidat, MI Obeidat
International Journal of Business and Management 11 (10), 162-162, 2016
The Nature, Antecedents and Outcomes of Interpersonal Trust within Co-worker Relationships in Jordan.
Durham University, 2014
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Articles 1–14