Bennett Tepper
Bennett Tepper
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Consequences of abusive supervision
BJ Tepper
Academy of management journal 43 (2), 178-190, 2000
Abusive supervision in work organizations: Review, synthesis, and research agenda
BJ Tepper
Journal of management 33 (3), 261-289, 2007
Abusive supervision and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior.
KL Zellars, BJ Tepper, MK Duffy
Journal of applied psychology 87 (6), 1068, 2002
Procedural injustice, victim precipitation, and abusive supervision
BJ Tepper, MK Duffy, CA Henle, LS Lambert
Personnel psychology 59 (1), 101-123, 2006
Abusive supervision, intentions to quit, and employees’ workplace deviance: A power/dependence analysis
BJ Tepper, JC Carr, DM Breaux, S Geider, C Hu, W Hua
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 109 (2), 156-167, 2009
Abusive supervision
BJ Tepper, L Simon, HM Park
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 4 (1 …, 2017
Predictors of abusive supervision: Supervisor perceptions of deep-level dissimilarity, relationship conflict, and subordinate performance
BJ Tepper, SE Moss, MK Duffy
Academy of management journal 54 (2), 279-294, 2011
A social context model of envy and social undermining
MK Duffy, KL Scott, JD Shaw, BJ Tepper, K Aquino
Academy of management Journal 55 (3), 643-666, 2012
Personality moderators of the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' resistance.
BJ Tepper, MK Duffy, JD Shaw
Journal of applied psychology 86 (5), 974, 2001
Moderators of the relationships between coworkers' organizational citizenship behavior and fellow employees' attitudes.
BJ Tepper, MK Duffy, J Hoobler, MD Ensley
Journal of applied psychology 89 (3), 455, 2004
Abusive supervision and subordinates' organization deviance.
BJ Tepper, CA Henle, LS Lambert, RA Giacalone, MK Duffy
Journal of applied psychology 93 (4), 721, 2008
Relationships among supervisors' and subordinates' procedural justice perceptions and organizational citizenship behaviors
BJ Tepper, EC Taylor
Academy of Management journal 46 (1), 97-105, 2003
Abusive supervision, upward maintenance communication, and subordinates' psychological distress
BJ Tepper, SE Moss, DE Lockhart, JC Carr
Academy of management Journal 50 (5), 1169-1180, 2007
Health consequences of organizational injustice: Tests of main and interactive effects
BJ Tepper
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 86 (2), 197-215, 2001
Structural validity of the multifactor leadership questionnaire
BJ Tepper, PM Percy
Educational and Psychological Measurement 54 (3), 734-744, 1994
Justice, citizenship, and role definition effects.
BJ Tepper, D Lockhart, J Hoobler
Journal of applied psychology 86 (4), 789, 2001
Examining follower responses to transformational leadership from a dynamic, person–environment fit perspective
BJ Tepper, N Dimotakis, LS Lambert, J Koopman, FK Matta, H Man Park, ...
Academy of Management Journal 61 (4), 1343-1368, 2018
Ethical leadership and subordinate outcomes: The mediating role of organizational politics and the moderating role of political skill
KM Kacmar, MC Andrews, KJ Harris, BJ Tepper
Journal of Business Ethics 115, 33-44, 2013
Upward maintenance tactics in supervisory mentoring and nonmentoring relationships
BJ Tepper
Academy of Management Journal 38 (4), 1191-1205, 1995
A case for recognizing distinctions among constructs that capture interpersonal mistreatment in work organizations
BJ Tepper, CA Henle
Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (3), 487-498, 2011
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