Sol Pedre
Sol Pedre
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Cited by
Realtime edge-based visual odometry for a monocular camera
JJ Tarrio, S Pedre
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 702-710, 2015
A simple visual navigation system for an UAV
T Krajník, M Nitsche, S Pedre, L Přeučil, ME Mejail
International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 1-6, 2012
A behavior-based approach for educational robotics activities
P De Cristoforis, S Pedre, M Nitsche, T Fischer, F Pessacg, C Di Pietro
IEEE transactions on education 56 (1), 61-66, 2012
Accelerating embedded image processing for real time: a case study
S Pedre, T Krajník, E Todorovich, P Borensztejn
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 11 (2), 349-374, 2016
FPGA-based module for SURF extraction
T Krajník, J Šváb, S Pedre, P Čížek, L Přeučil
Machine vision and applications 25 (3), 787-800, 2014
Realtime edge based visual inertial odometry for MAV teleoperation in indoor environments
JJ Tarrio, S Pedre
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 90, 235-252, 2018
Monocular navigation for long-term autonomy
T Krajník, S Pedre, L Přeučil
2013 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 1-6, 2013
Design of a multi-purpose low-cost mobile robot for research and education
S Pedre, M Nitsche, F Pessagc, J Caccavelli, P De Cristóforis
Advances in Autonomous Robotics Systems: 15th Annual Conference, TAROS 2014 …, 2014
A co-design methodology for processor-centric embedded systems with hardware acceleration using FPGA
S Pedre, T Krajník, E Todorovich, P Borensztejn
2012 VIII Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, 1-8, 2012
Sistemas embebidos
S Pedre
Laboratorio de Robótica y Sistemas Embebidos, Departamento de computación …, 2017
A mobile mini-robot architecture for research, education and popularization of science
S Pedre, P De Cristóforis, J Caccavelli, A Stoliar
Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods 2 (1), 41--59, 2010
Decision support system for hot spot detection
E Salamí, S Pedre, P Borenzstejn, C Barrado, A Stoliar, E Pastor
Intelligent Environments 2009, 277-284, 2009
Design of an AUV for visual inspection of nuclear power plants
EM Robador, GM Hansen, L Acha, S Pedre
2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV), 1-6, 2018
Hardware/software co-design for real time embedded image processing: A case study
S Pedre, T Krajník, E Todorovich, P Borensztejn
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2012
A new programming interface for Educational Robotics
J Caccavelli, S Pedre, P de Cristóforis, A Katz, D Bendersky
Research and Education in Robotics-EUROBOT 2011: International Conference …, 2011
Real time hot spot detection using fpga
S Pedre, A Stoliar, P Borensztejn
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2009
Robotics for maintenance of Steam Generators in a Small Modular Reactor
S Pedre, A Semine, TQ Mamani, A Nunia, E Boroni, A Leańo, CT Sheider, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 3rd International Conference on Applied Robotics for …, 2014
Modified aerial acoustic piezoelectric sensor for underwater robots in closed environments
HF Ortiz Villasuso, EM Robador, S Pedre, C D’Ovidio
Multibody Mechatronic Systems: Papers from the MuSMe Conference in 2020 7 …, 2021
Fusión de encoders de cuadratura, sensores inerciales y magnéticos para la localización de robots móviles
T Fischer, MA Nitsche, S Pedre
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales-UBA, Buenos Aires, 2014
Se-slam: Semi-dense structured edge-based monocular slam
JJ Tarrio, C Smitt, S Pedre
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.03917, 2019
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Articles 1–20