Gustavo  Atilio Crespi
Gustavo Atilio Crespi
Competitiveness and Innovation Specialist, Inter-American Developement Bank (IDB)
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Innovation and productivity: evidence from six Latin American countries
G Crespi, P Zuniga
World development 40 (2), 273-290, 2012
Inventors and invention processes in Europe: Results from the PatVal-EU survey
P Giuri, M Mariani, S Brusoni, G Crespi, D Francoz, A Gambardella, ...
Research policy 36 (8), 1107-1127, 2007
Determinants of technical efficiency in small firms
R Alvarez, G Crespi
Small business economics 20, 233-244, 2003
Productivity, exporting, and the learning‐by‐exporting hypothesis: direct evidence from UK firms
G Crespi, C Criscuolo, J Haskel
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 41 (2), 619-638, 2008
The impact of academic patenting on university research and its transfer
G Crespi, P D’Este, R Fontana, A Geuna
Research policy 40 (1), 55-68, 2011
Rethinking productive development
G Crespi, E Fernández-Arias, E Stein
Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for …, 2014
Los sistemas regionales de innovación en América Latina
JJ Llisterri, C Pietrobelli
BID, 2011
The European university landscape: A micro characterization based on evidence from the Aquameth project
C Daraio, A Bonaccorsi, A Geuna, B Lepori, L Bach, P Bogetoft, ...
Research policy 40 (1), 148-164, 2011
Information technology, organisational change and productivity
G Crespi, C Criscuolo, J Haskel
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP6105, 2007
Exporter performance and promotion instruments: Chilean empirical evidence
R Álvarez Espinoza, G Crespi
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2000
An empirical study of scientific production: A cross country analysis, 1981–2002
GA Crespi, A Geuna
Research Policy 37 (4), 565-579, 2008
¿ Cómo repensar el desarrollo productivo?: políticas e instituciones sólidas para la transformación económica
MR Agosin, S Urzúa, R Wagner, A Trejos, F De Olloqui, C Pietrobelli, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
Effects of innovation on employment in Latin America
G Crespi, E Tacsir
2011 Atlanta conference on science and innovation policy, 1-11, 2011
The effectiveness of tax incentives for R&D+ i in developing countries: The case of Argentina
G Crespi, D Giuliodori, R Giuliodori, A Rodriguez
Research Policy 45 (10), 2023-2035, 2016
Innovation strategies and employment in Latin American firms
P Zuniga, G Crespi
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 24, 1-17, 2013
The impact of national research funds: A regression discontinuity approach to the Chilean FONDECYT
JM Benavente, G Crespi, LF Garone, A Maffioli
Research Policy 41 (8), 1461-1475, 2012
The mobility of university inventors in Europe
GA Crespi, A Geuna, L Nesta
The Journal of Technology Transfer 32, 195-215, 2007
Innovation dynamics and productivity: Evidence for Latin America
G Crespi, E Tacsir, F Vargas
Firm innovation and productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean: the …, 2016
Productivity growth, knowledge flows, and spillovers
G Crespi, C Criscuolo, JE Haskel, M Slaughter
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008
Everything you always wanted to know about inventors (but never asked): Evidence from the PatVal-EU survey
P Giuri, M Mariani, S Brusoni, G Crespi, D Francoz, A Gambardella, ...
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2006
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Articles 1–20