Cristina Dapeña
Cristina Dapeña
Retired from Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica , INGEIS (CONICET-UBA)
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Cited by
Arsenic and associated trace-elements in groundwater from the Chaco-Pampean plain, Argentina: results from 100 years of research
HB Nicolli, J Bundschuh, MC Blanco, OC Tujchneider, HO Panarello, ...
Science of the total Environment 429, 36-56, 2012
Hydrogeochemistry and isotope analyses used to determine groundwater recharge and flow in low-gradient catchments of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
OM Quiroz Londoño, DE Martínez, C Dapeña, H Massone
Hydrogeology Journal 16, 1113-1127, 2008
Surface and groundwater quality in the northeastern region of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
G Galindo, C Sainato, C Dapeña, JL Fernández-Turiel, D Gimeno, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 23 (4), 336-345, 2007
Composición isotópica de la lluvia de Buenos Aires. Su importancia para el estudio de los sistemas hidrológicos pampeanos
C Dapeña, HO Panarello
Revista Latino-Americana de Hidrogeología 4 (17-25), 2004
Application of geophysical methods to waste disposal studies
C Pomposiello, C Dapeña, A Favetto, P Boujon
Municipal and industrial waste disposal 242, 2012
The role of evapotranspiration in the groundwater hydrochemistry of an arid coastal wetland (Península Valdés, Argentina)
M del Pilar Alvarez, E Carol, C Dapeña
Science of The Total Environment 506, 299-307, 2015
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic characterisation of groundwater in a sand-dune phreatic aquifer on the northeastern coast of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
SC Carretero, C Dapeña, EE Kruse
Isotopes in environmental and health studies 49 (3), 399-419, 2013
Large scale meteorological phenomena, ENSO and ITCZ, define the Paraná River isotope composition
HO Panarello, C Dapeña
Journal of hydrology 365 (1-2), 105-112, 2009
Periglacial water paths within a rock glacier‐dominated catchment in the Stepanek area, Central Andes, Mendoza, Argentina
DT Liaudat, N Sileo, C Dapeña
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 31 (2), 311-323, 2020
Hydrogeochemistry, isotopic composition and water age in the hydrologic system of a large catchment within a plain humid environment (Argentine Pampas): Quequén Grande River …
DE Martinez, OM Quiroz Londoño, DK Solomon, C Dapeña, HE Massone, ...
River Research and Applications 33 (3), 438-449, 2017
Mecanismos de recarga y salinización en las cuencas de los ríos Mendoza y Tunuyán, Mendoza, República Argentina: evidenciados por isótopos ambientales
HO Panarello, C Dapeña
Memorias del XII Congreso Geológico de Bolivia: Tarija, Bolivia, 531-543, 1996
Abundance and distribution of fluoride concentrations in groundwater: La Ballenera catchment, southeast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
C Calvi, D Martinez, C Dapeña, F Gutheim
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-12, 2016
HA Ostera, C Dapeña
Symposium on Isotope Geology, 2003
Development of the national network for isotopes in precipitation of Argentina
C Dapeña, HO Panarello
II South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, 503-508, 1999
Spatial distribution of electrical conductivity and stable isotopes in groundwater in large catchments: a geostatistical approach in the Quequén Grande River catchment, Argentina
OM Quiroz Londoño, DE Martínez, HE Massone, LA Londoño Ciro, ...
Isotopes in environmental and health studies 51 (3), 411-425, 2015
Verification of the geographical origin of modeled air-mass trajectories by means of the isotope composition of rainwater during the SALLJEX experiment
M González, C Dapeña, B Cerne, O Sánchez-Ccoyllo, S Freitas, ...
Environmental fluid mechanics 9, 409-425, 2009
Isótopos Ambientales livianos: su aplicación en hidrología e hidrogeología
C Dapeña
doctoral thesis, 2007
Aportes al modelo hidrogeológico conceptual de la cuenca del río Quequén Grande, provincia de Buenos Aires
D Martínez, OM Quiroz Londoño, C Dapeña, H Massone, A Ferrante, ...
V Congreso Argentino de Hidrogeología, 16-19, 2007
Isotopic composition and hydrogeochemistry of a periglacial Andean catchment and its relevance in the knowledge of water resources in mountainous areas
NR Sileo, C Dapeña, D Trombotto Liaudat
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 56 (5-6), 480-494, 2020
Composición isotópica de la precipitación de la Estación Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. Red Nacional de Colectores Argentina
C Dapeña, M Varni, HO Panarello, E Ducos, P Weinzentel, E Usunoff
Libro de Actas I Congreso Internacional de Hidrología de Llanuras. IHLLA …, 2010
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Articles 1–20