Ray Kai Leung Su
Ray Kai Leung Su
Associate Professor of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of
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Seismic behaviour of slender reinforced concrete shear walls under high axial load ratio
RKL Su, SM Wong
Engineering Structures 29 (8), 1957-1965, 2007
Experimental and numerical studies of external steel plate strengthened reinforced concrete coupling beams
RKL Su, Y Zhu
Engineering structures 27 (10), 1537-1550, 2005
Stability and bifurcation of an axially moving beam tuned to three-to-one internal resonances
JL Huang, RKL Su, WH Li, SH Chen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (3), 471-485, 2011
Dynamic internal crack problem of a functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic strip
WJ Feng, RKL Su
International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (17), 5196-5216, 2006
Simplified inverse dynamics models for MR fluid dampers
HH Tsang, RKL Su, AM Chandler
Engineering structures 28 (3), 327-341, 2006
Experimental study on embedded steel plate composite coupling beams
WY Lam, RKL Su, HJ Pam
Journal of structural engineering 131 (8), 1294-1302, 2005
Effects of axial load on seismic performance of reinforced concrete walls with short shear span
DTW Looi, RKL Su, B Cheng, HH Tsang
Engineering Structures 151, 312-326, 2017
Nonlinear vibration of a curved beam under uniform base harmonic excitation with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities
JL Huang, RKL Su, YY Lee, SH Chen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (21), 5151-5164, 2011
Effects of bolt–plate arrangements on steel plate strengthened reinforced concrete beams
RKL Su, WH Siu, ST Smith
Engineering Structures 32 (6), 1769-1778, 2010
Influence of non‐structural components on lateral stiffness of tall buildings
RKL Su, AM Chandler, MN Sheikh, NTK Lam
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 14 (2), 143-164, 2005
Mode I crack problems by fractal two level finite element methods
AYT Leung, RKL Su
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 48 (6), 847-856, 1994
Seismic behavior of steel reinforced ECC columns under constant axial loading and reversed cyclic lateral loading
C Wu, Z Pan, RKL Su, CKY Leung, S Meng
Materials and Structures 50, 1-15, 2017
Tension softening curves of plain concrete
HH Chen, RKL Su
Construction and Building Materials 44, 440-451, 2013
Corrosion rate measurement by using polarization resistance method for microcell and macrocell corrosion: Theoretical analysis and experimental work with simulated concrete …
L Chen, RKL Su
Construction and Building Materials 267, 121003, 2021
Numerical solutions of two-dimensional anisotropic crack problems
RKL Su, HY Sun
international Journal of Solids and Structures 40 (18), 4615-4635, 2003
Mixed-mode two-dimensional crack problem by fractal two level finite element method
AYT Leung, RKL Su
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 51 (6), 889-895, 1995
A double-cylinder model incorporating confinement effects for the analysis of corrosion-caused cover cracking in reinforced concrete structures
RKL Su, Y Zhang
Corrosion Science 99, 205-218, 2015
Engineering modular integrated construction for high-rise building: a case study in Hong Kong
S Shan, D Looi, Y Cai, P Ma, MT Chen, R Su, B Young, W Pan
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering 172 (6 …, 2019
Assessment of low-rise building with transfer beam under seismic forces
JH Li, RKL Su, AM Chandler
Engineering Structures 25 (12), 1537-1549, 2003
Analytical solutions for composite beams with slip, shear-lag and time-dependent effects
L Zhu, RKL Su
Engineering Structures 152, 559-578, 2017
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Articles 1–20