Marcel Fuchs
Marcel Fuchs
Research Scientist
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Estimating absorbed photosynthetic radiation and leaf area index from spectral reflectance in wheat
G Asrar, M Fuchs, ET Kanemasu, JL Hatfield
Agronomy Journal 76 (2), 300-306, 1984
Infrared thermometry of vegetation
M Fuchs, CB Tanner
Agron. J 58 (6), 597-601, 1966
Improvement of the heat pulse method for determining sap flow in trees
Y Cohen, M Fuchs, GC Green
Plant, Cell & Environment 4 (5), 391-397, 1981
Infrared measurement of canopy temperature and detection of plant water stress
M Fuchs
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 42, 253-261, 1990
An Analysis of Sensible and Latent Heat Flow in a Partially Frozen Unsaturated Soil
M Fuchs, GS Campbell, RI Papendick
Soil Science Society of America Journal 42 (3), 379, 1978
Error analysis of Bowen ratios measured by differential psychrometry
M Fuchs, CB Tanner
Agricultural Meteorology 7, 329-334, 1970
Calibration and field test of soil heat flux plates
M Fuchs, CB Tanner
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32, 326-328, 1968
A note of caution concerning the relationship between cumulated intercepted solar radiation and crop growth
TH Demetriades-Shah, M Fuchs, ET Kanemasu, I Flitcroft
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 58 (3-4), 193-207, 1992
The heat flux density in a non-homogeneous bare loessial soil
M Fuchs, A Hadas
Boundary-layer meteorology 3 (2), 191-200, 1972
Calibrated heat pulse method for determining water uptake in cotton
Y Cohen, M Fuchs, V Falkenflug, S Moreshet
Agronomy Journal 80 (3), 398-402, 1988
HORTISIM: a model for greenhouse crops and greenhouse climate
H Gijzen, E Heuvelink, H Challa, LFM Marcelis, E Dayan, S Cohen, ...
II Modelling Plant Growth, Environmental Control and Farm Management in …, 1997
The distribution of leaf area, radiation, photosynthesis and transpiration in a Shamouti orange hedgerow orchard. Part I. Leaf area and radiation
S Cohen, M Fuchs
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 40 (2), 123-144, 1987
Evaporation from unsaturated surfaces: a generalized combination method
CB Tanner, M Fuchs
Journal of Geophysical Research 73 (4), 1299-1304, 1968
The relative flux density of photosynthetically active radiation
G Stanhill, M Fuchs
Journal of Applied Ecology, 317-322, 1977
Evaporation from a drying soil
M Fuchs, CB Tanner
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 6 (5), 852-857, 1967
Evaporative cooling of a ventilated greenhouse rose crop
M Fuchs, E Dayan, E Presnov
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 138 (1-4), 203-215, 2006
Resistance to water uptake in a mature citrus tree
Y Cohen, M Fuchs, S Cohen
Journal of Experimental Botany 34 (4), 451-460, 1983
Effect of viewing angle on canopy temperature measurements with infrared thermometers
M Fuchs, ET Kanemasu, JP Kerr, CB Tanner
Agron. J 59, 494-496, 1967
Heat flux
M Fuchs
Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods 5, 957-968, 1986
Water uptake profile response of corn to soil moisture depletion
Y Li, M Fuchs, S Cohen, Y Cohen, R Wallach
Plant, Cell & Environment 25 (4), 491-500, 2002
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Articles 1–20