David Lawrence
David Lawrence
Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, Queensland
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Cited by
An evaluation of the American Medical Association's Physician Masterfile as a data source-one state's experience
D Gherkin, D Lawrence
Medical care 15 (9), 767-779, 1977
Review of productivity decline in sown grass pastures
G Peck, SR Buck, A Hoffmann, CH Holloway, B Johnson, D Lawrence, ...
Meat & Livestock Australia Limited, 2011
Soil carbon sequestration-myths and mysteries
M Bell, D Lawrence
Tropical Grasslands 43 (4), 227-231, 2009
Designing better on-farm research in Australia using a participatory workshop process
D Lawrence, N Christodoulou, J Whish
Field Crops Research 104 (1-3), 157-164, 2007
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
A Bergin, D Lawrence
A Report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Research Publication, 1993
Developing answers and learning in extension for dryland nitrogen management
DN Lawrence, ST Cawley, PT Hayman
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 40 (4), 527-539, 2000
A phase I study of raltitrexed, an antifolate thymidylate synthase inhibitor, in adult patients with advanced solid tumors
JL Grem, JM Sorensen, E Cullen, CH Takimoto, SM Steinberg, AP Chen, ...
Clinical cancer research 5 (9), 2381-2391, 1999
Physician assistants & nurse practitioners: their impact on health care access, costs, and quality
D Lawrence
Health & medical care services review 1 (2), 1-12, 1978
The challenge to sustainability of broadacre grain cropping systems on clay soils in northern Australia
M Bell, P Moody, K Klepper, D Lawrence
proceedings of the 19th world congress of soil science, 2010
Lower fly area study
D Lawrence, J Burton
Ok‐Fly Social Monitoring Project, Rep 9, 1995
Use of phosphorus fertiliser for increased productivity of legume-based sown pastures in the Brigalow Belt region–a review
G Peck, F Chudleigh, C Guppy, B Johnson, D Lawrence
Meat & Livestock Australia Limited, 2015
The challenge of global food sustainability.
D Lawrence, SJ Beddington, C Godfray, I Crute, L Haddad, J Muir, J Pretty, ...
The Future of Food and Farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability
C Godfray, I Crute, L Haddad, D Lawrence, J Muir, J Pretty, S Robinson, ...
Executive Summary. The Government Office for Science, Londres, 2011
Efficacy Results from the STEP Study (Merck V520 Protocol 023/HVTN 502): A Phase II Test-of-Concept Trial of the MRKAd5 HIV-1 Gag
M Robertson, D Mehrotra, D Fitzgerald, A Duerr, DR Casimiro, J McElrath, ...
Pol/Nef Trivalent Vaccine, 2008
A pilot study of gamma-1b-interferon in combination with fluorouracil, leucovorin, and alpha-2a-interferon.
JL Grem, N McAtee, RF Murphy, FM Balis, E Cullen, AP Chen, ...
Clinical cancer research: an official journal of the American Association …, 1997
Soil nitrogen decision aid puts farmers in control
DN Lawrence, ST Cawley, MJ Cahill, N Douglas, JA Doughton
Proceedings of the 8th Australian Agronomy Conference, Toowoomba, 369-72, 1996
The subsistence economy of the Kiwai-speaking people of the southwest coast of Papua New Guinea
D Lawrence
Sustainable development for traditional inhabitants of the Torres Strait …, 1991
Action learning in partnership with Landcare and catchment management groups to support increased pasture sowings in southern inland Queensland
DL Lloyd, B Johnson, SM O’Brien, DN Lawrence
Animal Production Science 49 (10), 907-915, 2009
Sustainable grazing management: graziers' perspectives and implications for pasture management in the Maranoa region, south Queensland
D Lawrence, TWG Graham, RA Clark
Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales 28 (1), 24-31, 1994
Measurement and projection of the demand for health care: the Chilean experience
TL Hall, WA Reinke, D Lawrence
Medical care 13 (6), 511-522, 1975
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Articles 1–20