Simone Strambach
Simone Strambach
Professor für Wirtschaftsgeographie
Verificeret mail på staff.uni-marburg.de
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Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as drivers of multilevel knowledge dynamics
S Strambach
International journal of services technology and management 10 (2-4), 152-174, 2008
Innovation processes and the role of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS)
S Strambach
Innovation networks: Concepts and challenges in the European perspective, 53-68, 2001
The contribution of KIBS to innovation in cities: an evolutionary and institutional perspective
J Simmie, S Strambach
Journal of knowledge management 10 (5), 26-40, 2006
19 Path dependence and path plasticity: the co-evolution of institutions and innovation–the German customized business software industry
S Strambach
The handbook of evolutionary economic geography, 406, 2010
Cumulative and combinatorial micro-dynamics of knowledge: The role of space and place in knowledge integration
S Strambach, B Klement
European Planning Studies 20 (11), 1843-1866, 2012
Change in the Innovation Process: New Knowledge Production and Competitive Cities--The Case of Stuttgart
S Strambach
European planning studies 10 (2), 215-231, 2002
The organisational decomposition of innovation and global distribution of innovative activities: insights and research agenda
H Schmitz, S Strambach
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development …, 2009
Reconceptualizing change: Path dependency, path plasticity and knowledge combination
S Strambach, H Halkier
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 57 (1-2), 1-14, 2013
Transition topology: Capturing institutional dynamics in regional development paths to sustainability
S Strambach, G Pflitsch
Research Policy 49 (7), 104006, 2020
Combining knowledge bases in transnational sustainability innovation: microdynamics and institutional change
S Strambach
Economic Geography 93 (5), 500-526, 2017
Wissensintensive unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungen-ihre Bedeutung für die Innovations-und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Deutschlands
S Strambach
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 66 (2), 230-242, 1997
Knowledge dynamics in setting sustainable standards in tourism–the case of ‘Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa’
S Strambach, A Surmeier
Current Issues in Tourism 16 (7-8), 736-752, 2013
Knowledge-intensive services and innovation in Germany
S Strambach
Report for TSER project, University of Stuttgart, 1997
Wissensökonomie, organisatorischer Wandel und wissensbasierte Regionalentwicklung: Herausforderungen für die Wirtschaftsgeographie
S Strambach
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 48 (1), 1-18, 2004
Wissensintensive unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungen: Netzwerke und Interaktion
S Strambach
Münster: Lit, 1995
Exploring plasticity in the development path of the automotive industry in Baden-Württemberg: the role of combinatorial knowledge dynamics
S Strambach, B Klement
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 57 (1-2), 67-82, 2013
Micro-dynamics in regional transition paths to sustainability-Insights from the Augsburg region
S Strambach, G Pflitsch
Applied Geography 90, 296-307, 2018
Wissensintensive unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungen: Netzwerke und Interaktion: Am Beispiel des Rhein-Neckar-Raumes
S Strambach
(No Title), 1995
Knowledge‐intensive business services in the Rhine‐Neckar area
S Strambach
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 85 (4), 354-365, 1994
Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) as an element of learning regions-the case of Baden-Württemberg
S Strambach
ERSA Conference, 1998
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