Sathish Nammi
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Cited by
Finite element analysis of closed-cell aluminium foam under quasi-static loading
SK Nammi, P Myler, G Edwards
Materials & Design 31 (2), 712-722, 2010
Effect of cell-size on the energy absorption features of closed-cell aluminium foams
SK Nammi, G Edwards, H Shirvani
Acta Astronautica 128, 243-250, 2016
Benchmarking and accident characteristics of flat-fronted commercial vehicles with respect to pedestrian safety
GK Chinnaswamy, EC Chirwa, SK Nammi, S Nowpada, T Chen, M Mao
International journal of crashworthiness 12 (3), 279-291, 2007
Numerical analysis of thermal stresses around fasteners in composite metal foils
SK Nammi, J Butt, JL Mauricette, H Shirvani
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 280 (1), 012016, 2017
Comparative strength and stability analysis of conventional and lighter composite flexible risers in ultra-deep water subsea environment
SK Nammi, R Gupta, K Pancholi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2022
Verification of calculation code THERM in accordance with BS EN ISO 10077-2
SK Nammi, H Shirvani, A Shirvani, G Edwards, JPM Whitty
Anglia Ruskin Research Online (ARRO), 2014
The Effect of Ice Floe on the Strength, Stability, and Fatigue of Hybrid Flexible Risers in the Arctic Sea
D Korotygin, SK Nammi, K Pancholi
Journal of Composites Science 7 (6), 212, 2023
Spreadsheet tools to estimate the thermal transmittance and thermal conductivities of gas spaces of an Insulated Glazing Unit
SK Nammi, H Shirvani, A Shirvani, G Edwards, J Dunn
Anglia Ruskin Research Online, 2014
Structural impact study of “ideal” 3D aluminium foam
SK Nammi, P Myler, G Edwards
Proceedings of Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference, 238-246, 2010
Modelling the Influence of Air Jet Configurations on Non-Woven Steel Fibre Mixing in the Melt Overflow Process
I Abubakar, H Gong, SK Nammi, L Marston, J Deane
Scientific Research Publishing., 2022
Stability of Perforated Plates with an In-plane Pre-load on Central Cutout
S Nammia, JL Mauricettea, I Patelb, H Shirvania
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2, 2016
Verification of finite element analysis code CalculiX CrunchiX (ccx) in accordance with ISO 10211: 2007
SK Nammi, H Shirvani, A Shirvani, J Mauricette
Anglia Ruskin Research Online (ARRO), 2014
Finite element analysis of aluminium foams under compressive loading
SK Nammi
University of Bolton, 2011
Numerical modelling of in-plane indenter loading on 2D cellular solids
S Nammi, P Myler, G Edwards
University of Bolton, 2009
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Articles 1–14