Peer reviewed: characterizing aquatic dissolved organic matter JA Leenheer, JP Croué Environmental science & technology 37 (1), 18A-26A, 2003 | 2013* | 2003 |
Production of Sulfate Radical from Peroxymonosulfate Induced by a Magnetically Separable CuFe2O4 Spinel in Water: Efficiency, Stability, and Mechanism T Zhang, H Zhu, JP Croue Environmental science & technology 47 (6), 2784-2791, 2013 | 1122 | 2013 |
Identification and understanding of fouling in low-pressure membrane (MF/UF) filtration by natural organic matter (NOM) NH Lee, G Amy, JP Croué, H Buisson Water research 38 (20), 4511-4523, 2004 | 794 | 2004 |
Efficient peroxydisulfate activation process not relying on sulfate radical generation for water pollutant degradation T Zhang, Y Chen, Y Wang, J Le Roux, Y Yang, JP Croué Environmental science & technology 48 (10), 5868-5875, 2014 | 739 | 2014 |
Fouling characteristics of wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) isolates on NF and UF membranes C Jarusutthirak, G Amy, JP Croué Desalination 145 (1-3), 247-255, 2002 | 502 | 2002 |
Characterization and copper binding of humic and nonhumic organic matter isolated from the South Platte River: evidence for the presence of nitrogenous binding site JP Croué, MF Benedetti, D Violleau, JA Leenheer Environmental Science & Technology 37 (2), 328-336, 2003 | 450 | 2003 |
Removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) from wastewater using microalgae: A review S Hena, L Gutierrez, JP Croué Journal of hazardous materials 403, 124041, 2021 | 377 | 2021 |
Dissolved Organic Nitrogen as a Precursor for Chloroform, Dichloroacetonitrile, N-Nitrosodimethylamine, and Trichloronitromethane W Lee, P Westerhoff, JP Croué Environmental science & technology 41 (15), 5485-5490, 2007 | 365 | 2007 |
Characterization of natural organic matter in drinking water JP Croue, GV Korshin, MM Benjamin American Water Works Association, 2000 | 319 | 2000 |
Chlorination studies of free and combined amino acids L Hureiki, JP Croue, B Legube Water research 28 (12), 2521-2531, 1994 | 302 | 1994 |
Three approaches for characterizing NOM SW Krasner, JP Croué, J Buffle, EM Perdue Journal‐American Water Works Association 88 (6), 66-79, 1996 | 290 | 1996 |
Low-pressure membrane (MF/UF) fouling associated with allochthonous versus autochthonous natural organic matter NH Lee, G Amy, JP Croue Water research 40 (12), 2357-2368, 2006 | 281 | 2006 |
Performance of selected anion exchange resins for the treatment of a high DOC content surface water H Humbert, H Gallard, H Suty, JP Croué Water research 39 (9), 1699-1708, 2005 | 266 | 2005 |
Natural organic matter (NOM) and pesticides removal using a combination of ion exchange resin and powdered activated carbon (PAC) H Humbert, H Gallard, H Suty, JP Croué Water Research 42 (6-7), 1635-1643, 2008 | 250 | 2008 |
Chloramination of nitrogenous contaminants (pharmaceuticals and pesticides): NDMA and halogenated DBPs formation J Le Roux, H Gallard, JP Croué Water research 45 (10), 3164-3174, 2011 | 222 | 2011 |
Catalytic ozonation of oxalate with a cerium supported palladium oxide: an efficient degradation not relying on hydroxyl radical oxidation T Zhang, W Li, JP Croué Environmental science & technology 45 (21), 9339-9346, 2011 | 191 | 2011 |
Combination of coagulation and ion exchange for the reduction of UF fouling properties of a high DOC content surface water H Humbert, H Gallard, V Jacquemet, JP Croué Water research 41 (17), 3803-3811, 2007 | 182 | 2007 |
Comprehensive isolation of natural organic matter from water for spectral characterizations and reactivity testing JA Leenheer, JP Croué, M Benjamin, GV Korshin, CJ Hwang, A Bruchet, ... | 171 | 2000 |
Removal of hydrophobic and hydrophilic constituents by anion exchange resin JP Croué, D Violleau, C Bodaire, B Legube Water science and technology 40 (9), 207-214, 1999 | 170 | 1999 |
Chlorination of bisphenol A: kinetics and by-products formation H Gallard, A Leclercq, JP Croué Chemosphere 56 (5), 465-473, 2004 | 169 | 2004 |