Francisco Urzúa I.
Francisco Urzúa I.
Bayes Business School, City University of London
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Board independence, firm performance and ownership concentration: Evidence from Chile
F Lefort, F Urzúa
Journal of business research 61 (6), 615-622, 2008
The internal capital markets of business groups: Evidence from intra-group loans
D Buchuk, B Larrain, F Muñoz, F Urzúa
Journal of Financial Economics 112 (2), 190-212, 2014
Controlling shareholders and market timing in share issuance
B Larrain, F Urzúa
Journal of Financial Economics 109 (3), 661-681, 2013
Too few dividends? Groups' tunneling through chair and board compensation
F Urzúa
Journal of Corporate Finance 15 (2), 245-256, 2009
How do internal capital markets work? Evidence from the great recession
D Buchuk, B Larrain, M Prem, F Urzúa Infante
Review of Finance 24 (4), 847-889, 2020
Ownership dynamics with large shareholders: An empirical analysis
M Donelli, B Larrain, IF Urzúa
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48 (2), 579-609, 2013
Mental health consequences of long-term stays in refugee camps: preliminary evidence from Moria
W Van de Wiel, C Castillo-Laborde, I Francisco Urzúa, M Fish, WF Scholte
BMC Public Health 21, 1-10, 2021
The privatization origins of political corporations: Evidence from the Pinochet regime
F González, M Prem, F Urzúa
The Journal of Economic History 80 (2), 417-456, 2020
The effects of losing a business group affiliation
B Larrain, G Sertsios, F Urzúa I
The Review of Financial Studies 32 (8), 3036-3074, 2019
Investor protection and corporate control
B Larrain, M Tapia, F Urzúa
Journal of Corporate Finance 47, 174-190, 2017
Do business groups change with market development?
B Larrain, F Urzúa I
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 25 (3), 750-784, 2016
The effects of going public on firm performance and commercialization strategy: Evidence from international IPOs
B Larrain, GM Phillips, G Sertsios, F Urzúa
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Privatization and business groups: Evidence from the Chicago Boys in Chile
F Aldunate, F González, M Prem, F Urzúa
Explorations in Economic History 78, 101355, 2020
Mandatory Financial Disclosure and M&A Activity
M Ortiz, CD Peter, F Urzúa I, PF Volpin
The Review of Financial Studies 36 (12), 4788-4823, 2023
The going public decision of business group firms
B Larrain, G Sertsios, F Urzúa
Journal of Corporate Finance 66, 101819, 2021
Owner Exposure through Firm Disclosure.
MA Müller, CD Peter, F Urzúa I
Accounting Review 98 (6), 2023
Ownership Concentration and Firm Value: New Evidence from Owner Stakes in IPOs
B Larrain, P Roosenboom, G Sertsios, F Urzúa
Management Science 70 (7), 4441-4464, 2024
Funding Contagion through Common Owners
B Larrain, G Sertsios, F Urzúa I
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, cfad019, 2023
Understanding the effect of the financial reporting environment on internal financing: Evidence from cash policy
M Ortiz, F Urzúa
Working Paper, Barcelona School of Management, 2022
Undervaluation Induced LBOs
DS Bansraj, A Keswani, P Strömberg, F Urzúa
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Articles 1–20