Ben Wilson
Ben Wilson
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Comparison of microbial numbers and enzymatic activities in surface soils and subsoils using various techniques
JP Taylor, B Wilson, MS Mills, RG Burns
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34 (3), 387-401, 2002
Estimating size and assessing trends in a coastal bottlenose dolphin population
B Wilson, PS Hammond, PM Thompson
Ecological applications 9 (1), 288-300, 1999
Habitat use by bottlenose dolphins: seasonal distribution and stratified movement patterns in the Moray Firth, Scotland
B Wilson, PM Thompson, PS Hammond
Journal of Applied Ecology, 1365-1374, 1997
Quantifying the influence of sociality on population structure in bottlenose dolphins
D Lusseau, BEN Wilson, PS Hammond, K Grellier, JW Durban, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology, 14-24, 2006
Functional mechanisms underlying cetacean distribution patterns: hotspots for bottlenose dolphins are linked to foraging
GD Hastie, BEN Wilson, LJ Wilson, KM Parsons, PM Thompson
Marine Biology 144, 397-403, 2004
Combining power analysis and population viability analysis to compare traditional and precautionary approaches to conservation of coastal cetaceans
PM Thompson, B Wilson, K Grellier, PS Hammond
Conservation Biology 14 (5), 1253-1263, 2000
Violent interactions between bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises
HM Ross, B Wilson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1996
Evidence for infanticide in bottlenose dolphins: an explanation for violent interactions with harbour porpoises?
IAP Patterson, RJ Reid, B Wilson, K Grellier, HM Ross, PM Thompson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Bottlenose dolphins increase breathing synchrony in response to boat traffic
GD Hastie, B Wilson, LH Tufft, PM Thompson
Marine Mammal Science 19 (1), 74-084, 2003
Considering the temporal when managing the spatial: a population range expansion impacts protected areas-based management for bottlenose dolphins
B Wilson, RJ Reid, K Grellier, PM Thompson, PS Hammond
Animal Conservation forum 7 (4), 331-338, 2004
Abundance of bottlenose dolphins in the bays, sounds, and estuaries of North Carolina
AJ Read, KW Urian, B Wilson, DM Waples
Marine Mammal Science 19 (1), 59-073, 2003
Variations in harbour seal Phoca vitulina diet and dive-depths in relation to foraging habitat
DJ Tollit, AD Black, PM Thompson, A Mackay, HM Corpe, B Wilson, ...
Journal of Zoology 244 (2), 209-222, 1998
Collision risks between marine renewable energy devices and mammals, fish and diving birds
B Wilson, RS Batty, F Daunt, C Carter
Report to the Scottish Executive. Scottish Association for Marine Science …, 2007
Epidermal diseases in bottlenose dolphins: impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors
B Wilson, H Arnold, G Bearzi, CM Fortuna, R Gaspar, S Ingram, C Liret, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1999
Parallel influence of climate on the behaviour of Pacific killer whales and Atlantic bottlenose dolphins
D Lusseau, R Williams, B Wilson, K Grellier, TR Barton, PS Hammond, ...
Ecology Letters 7 (11), 1068-1076, 2004
Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon
SE Nelms, J Alfaro-Shigueto, JPY Arnould, IC Avila, SB Nash, E Campbell, ...
Endangered Species Research 44, 291-325, 2021
Integrating multiple data sources to assess the distribution and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Scottish waters
B Cheney, PM Thompson, SN Ingram, PS Hammond, PT Stevick, ...
Mammal Review 43 (1), 71-88, 2013
Pacific and Atlantic herring produce burst pulse sounds
B Wilson, RS Batty, LM Dill
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
The ecology of bottlenose dolphins in the Moray Firth, Scotland: a population at the northern extreme of the species' range
DRB Wilson
University of Aberdeen, 1995
Confusion reigns? A review of marine megafauna interactions with tidal-stream environments
S Benjamins, AC Dale, G Hastie, JJ Waggitt, MA Lea, B Scott, B Wilson
Oceanography and marine biology: An annual review 53 (53), 1-54, 2015
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Articles 1–20