J P Lewis
J P Lewis
NVIDIA Research and Victoria University
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Cited by
A database and evaluation methodology for optical flow
S Baker, D Scharstein, JP Lewis, S Roth, MJ Black, R Szeliski
International journal of computer vision 92, 1-31, 2011
Fast Normalized Cross-Correlation
JP Lewis
technical report,, 1995
Fast Template Matching
JP Lewis
Vision Interface, 120-123, 1995
Pose space deformation: a unified approach to shape interpolation and skeleton-driven deformation
JP Lewis, M Cordner, N Fong
Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2, 811-818, 2023
The Shattered Gradients Problem: If resnets are the answer, then what is the question?
D Balduzzi, M Frean, L Leary, JP Lewis, KWD Ma, B McWilliams
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
The Shattered Gradients Problem: If resnets are the answer, then what is the question?
BMW David Balduzzi, Marcus Frean, Lennox Leary, JP Lewis, Kurt Wan-Duo Ma
International conference on machine learning (ICML), 2017
The Shattered Gradients Problem: If resnets are the answer, then what is the question?
BMW David Balduzzi, Marcus Frean, Lennox Leary, J.P. Lewis, Kurt Wan-Duo Ma
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
The Shattered Gradients Problem: If resnets are the answer, then what is the question?
BMW David Balduzzi, Marcus Frean, Lennox Leary, JP Lewis, Kurt Wan-Duo Ma
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
Learning Optical Flow
D Sun, L Roth, Stefan, J P., M and Black
European Conference on Computer VIsion (ECCV), 2008
Practice and theory of blendshape facial models.
JP Lewis, K Anjyo, T Rhee, M Zhang, FH Pighin, Z Deng
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports) 1 (8), 2, 2014
Algorithms for solid noise synthesis
JP Lewis
Proceedings of the 16th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1989
Selecting good views of high‐dimensional data using class consistency
M Sips, B Neubert, JP Lewis, P Hanrahan
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (3), 831-838, 2009
Nasa neural articulated shape approximation
B Deng, JP Lewis, T Jeruzalski, G Pons-Moll, G Hinton, M Norouzi, ...
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
A survey of procedural noise functions
A Lagae, S Lefebvre, R Cook, T DeRose, G Drettakis, DS Ebert, JP Lewis, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (8), 2579-2600, 2010
Videoconference system using a virtual camera image
JP Lewis, MA Ott, IJ Cox
US Patent 5,359,362, 1994
Generalized stochastic subdivision
JP Lewis
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 6 (3), 167-190, 1987
Automated lip-synch and speech synthesis for character animation
JP Lewis, FI Parke
ACM SIGCHI Bulletin 17 (SI), 143-147, 1986
Skinning: Real-time shape deformation (full text not available)
A Jacobson, Z Deng, L Kavan, JP Lewis
ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Courses, 1-1, 2014
The HSIC bottleneck: Deep learning without back-propagation
WDK Ma, JP Lewis, WB Kleijn
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (04), 5085-5092, 2020
Texture synthesis for digital painting
JP Lewis
Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1984
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Articles 1–20