Christoph Pokorny
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Cited by
An independent SSVEP-based brain–computer interface in locked-in syndrome
D Lesenfants, D Habbal, Z Lugo, M Lebeau, P Horki, E Amico, C Pokorny, ...
Journal of neural engineering 11 (3), 035002, 2014
The auditory P300-based single-switch brain–computer interface: paradigm transition from healthy subjects to minimally conscious patients
C Pokorny, DS Klobassa, G Pichler, H Erlbeck, RGL Real, A Kübler, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 59 (2), 81-90, 2013
A single-switch BCI based on passive and imagined movements: toward restoring communication in minimally conscious patients
GR Müller-Putz, C Pokorny, DS Klobassa, P Horki
International journal of neural systems 23 (02), 1250037, 2013
A hybrid three-class brain–computer interface system utilizing SSSEPs and transient ERPs
C Breitwieser, C Pokorny, GR Müller-Putz
Journal of neural engineering 13 (6), 066015, 2016
Learning-induced biases in the ongoing dynamics of sensory representations predict stimulus generalization
DF Aschauer, JB Eppler, L Ewig, AR Chambers, C Pokorny, M Kaschube, ...
Cell reports 38 (6), 2022
Detection of mental imagery and attempted movements in patients with disorders of consciousness using EEG
P Horki, G Bauernfeind, DS Klobassa, C Pokorny, G Pichler, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 1009, 2014
Mental imagery for brain-computer interface control and communication in non-responsive individuals
ZR Lugo, C Pokorny, F Pellas, Q Noirhomme, S Laureys, G Müller-Putz, ...
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 63 (1), 21-27, 2020
The role of transient target stimuli in a steady-state somatosensory evoked potential-based brain–computer interface setup
C Pokorny, C Breitwieser, GR Müller-Putz
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 152, 2016
A tactile stimulation device for EEG measurements in clinical use
C Pokorny, C Breitwieser, GR Müller-Putz
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 8 (3), 305-312, 2013
Somatosensory evoked potentials elicited by stimulating two fingers from one hand—usable for BCI?
C Breitwieser, C Pokorny, C Neuper, GR Müller-Putz
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
STDP forms associations between memory traces in networks of spiking neurons
C Pokorny, MJ Ison, A Rao, R Legenstein, C Papadimitriou, W Maass
Cerebral Cortex 30 (3), 952-968, 2020
The auditory p300-based SSBCI: A door to minimally conscious patients?
GR Müller-Putz, DS Klobassa, C Pokorny, G Pichler, H Erlbeck, RGL Real, ...
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Brain-computer interfaces for assessment and communication in disorders of consciousness
C Guger, B Sorger, Q Noirhomme, L Naci, MM Monti, R Real, C Pokorny, ...
Emerging theory and practice in neuroprosthetics, 181-214, 2014
A single-switch brain-computer interface based on passive and imagined movements: Towards restoring communication in minimally conscious patients
GR Mueller-Putz, C Pokorny, DS Klobassa, P Horki
Int. J. Neural Syst 23 (2), 1-11, 2013
Modeling and simulation of rat non-barrel somatosensory cortex. part i: Modeling anatomy
MW Reimann, S Bolańos-Puchet, JD Courcol, DE Santander, A Arnaudon, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.08. 11.503144, 2022
Modeling and simulation of neocortical micro-and mesocircuitry. Part II: Physiology and experimentation
JB Isbister, A Ecker, C Pokorny, S Bolańos-Puchet, DE Santander, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 17.541168, 2023
Evaluation of healthy EEG responses for spelling through listener-assisted scanning
P Horki, DS Klobassa, C Pokorny, GR Müller-Putz
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (1), 29-36, 2014
Topology of synaptic connectivity constrains neuronal stimulus representation, predicting two complementary coding strategies
MW Reimann, H Riihimäki, JP Smith, J Lazovskis, C Pokorny, R Levi
PloS one 17 (1), e0261702, 2022
Towards a single-switch bci based on steady-state somatosensory evoked potentials
C Pokorny, C Breitwieser, C Neuper, G Müller-Putz
5th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2011, 200-203, 2011
A connectome manipulation framework for the systematic and reproducible study of structure–function relationships through simulations
C Pokorny, O Awile, JB Isbister, K Kurban, M Wolf, MW Reimann
Network Neuroscience, 1-51, 2024
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Articles 1–20