Timothy L. Sellnow
Cited by
Cited by
Effective crisis communication: Moving from crisis to opportunity
RR Ulmer, TL Sellnow, MW Seeger
Sage Publications, 2022
Communication and organizational crisis
MW Seeger, TL Sellnow, RR Ulmer
(No Title), 2003
Communication, organization, and crisis
MW Seeger, TL Sellnow, RR Ulmer
Annals of the International Communication Association 21 (1), 231-276, 1998
Theorizing crisis communication
TL Sellnow, MW Seeger
John Wiley & Sons, 2021
Measurement and analysis of student engagement in university classes where varying levels of PBL methods of instruction are in use
S Ahlfeldt*, S Mehta, T Sellnow
Higher Education Research & Development 24 (1), 5-20, 2005
Post-crisis communication and renewal: Expanding the parameters of post-crisis discourse
RR Ulmer, MW Seeger, TL Sellnow
Public relations review 33 (2), 130-134, 2007
Chaos theory, informational needs, and natural disasters
TL Sellnow, MW Seeger, RR Ulmer
Journal of applied communication research 30 (4), 269-292, 2002
Effective risk communication: A message-centered approach
TL Sellnow, RR Ulmer, MW Seeger, R Littlefield
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Consistent questions of ambiguity in organizational crisis communication: Jack in the Box as a case study
RR Ulmer, TL Sellnow
Journal of Business Ethics 25, 143-155, 2000
Post‐crisis discourse and organizational change, failure and renewal
MW Seeger, RR Ulmer, JM Novak, T Sellnow
Journal of Organizational Change Management 18 (1), 78-95, 2005
Crisis communication, learning and responding: Best practices in social media
X Lin, PR Spence, TL Sellnow, KA Lachlan
Computers in human behavior 65, 601-605, 2016
Narratives of crisis: Telling stories of ruin and renewal
M Seeger, TL Sellnow
Stanford University Press, 2016
CERC as a theoretical framework for research and practice
S Veil, B Reynolds, TL Sellnow, MW Seeger
Health promotion practice 9 (4_suppl), 26S-34S, 2008
Public relations and crisis communication: Organizing and chaos
MW Seeger, TL Sellnow, RR Ulmer
Handbook of public relations, 155-166, 2001
Crisis management and the discourse of renewal: Understanding the potential for positive outcomes of crisis
RR Ulmer, TL Sellnow
Public Relations Review 28 (4), 361-365, 2002
The compatibility of corrective action in organizational crisis communication
TL Sellnow, RR Ulmer, M Snider
Communication Quarterly 46 (1), 60-74, 1998
Hoaxes and the paradoxical challenges of restoring legitimacy: Dominos’ response to its YouTube crisis
SR Veil, TL Sellnow, EL Petrun
Management Communication Quarterly 26 (2), 322-345, 2012
The IDEA model as a best practice for effective instructional risk and crisis communication
DD Sellnow, DR Lane, TL Sellnow, RS Littlefield
Communication Studies 68 (5), 552-567, 2017
Issues advertising as crisis communication: Northwest Airlines' use of image restoration strategies during the 1998 pilot's strike
K Cowden, TL Sellnow
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 39 (2), 193-219, 2002
The" Illusion of Life" rhetorical perspective: an integrated approach to the study of music as communication
D Sellnow, T Sellnow
Critical Studies in Media Communication 18 (4), 395-415, 2001
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Articles 1–20