Katia Pilati
Katia Pilati
Department of Sociology and Social Research
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Cited by
The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in Europe
D Jacobs, M Swyngedouw, L Hanquinet, V Vandezande, R Andersson, ...
Journal of International Migration and Integration 10 (1), 67-88, 2009
The political transnationalism of Ecuadorians in Barcelona, Madrid and Milan: the role of individual resources, organizational engagement and the political context
L Morales, K Pilati
Global Networks 14 (1), 80-102, 2014
Network Resources and the Political Engagement of Migrant Organisations in Milan
K Pilati
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - Taylor & Francis Group, 2011
The Role of Social Capital in Migrants’ Engagement in Local Politics in European Cities
L Morales, K Pilati
Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe. Making …, 2011
Interests, Identities, and Relations: Drawing Boundaries in Civic Organizational Fields
M Diani, K Pilati
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 16 (3), 265-282, 2011
Ethnic and immigrant politics vs. mainstream politics: the role of ethnic organizations in shaping the political participation of immigrant-origin individuals in Europe
K Pilati, L Morales
Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (15), 2796-2817, 2016
Networks and political engagement of migrant organisations in five E uropean cities
N Eggert, K Pilati
European journal of political research 53 (4), 858-875, 2014
Migrants' Political Participation in Exclusionary Contexts: From Subcultures to Radicalization
K Pilati
Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016
Political Context, Organizational Engagement, and Protest in African Countries
K Pilati
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 16 (3), 351-368, 2011
Between organization and spontaneity of protests: the 2010-2011 Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings
K Pilati, G Acconcia, L Suber, H Chennaoui
Social Movement Studies 18 (4), 463-481, 2019
La partecipazione politica degli immigrati. Il caso di Milano. Con CD-ROM
K Pilati
Armando Editore, 2010
Movimenti sociali e azioni di protesta
K Pilati
Comparing engagement by migrants in domestic and in country-of-origin political activities across European cities
K Pilati, B Herman
Acta Politica 55 (1), 103-129, 2020
Gaps in protest activities between natives and individuals of migrant origin in Europe
K Pilati
Acta Sociologica 61 (2), 105-125, 2018
One (slender) tree, many (social) roots: Revisiting immigrant associations through a case study on Ecuadorians in Italy
P Boccagni, K Pilati
Journal of Civil Society 11 (1), 62-78, 2015
Do Organizational Structures Matter for Protests in Nondemocratic African Countries?
K Pilati
Oxford University Press: Popular Contention, Regime, and Transition: The …, 2016
Disuguaglianze strutturali e partecipazione politica degli immigrati filippini, egiziani ed ecuadoriani a Milano
K Pilati
Polis 24 (2), 257-286, 2010
The insider–outsider divide and contentious politics: the tripartite field of the Italian labour movement
K Pilati, S Perra
West European Politics 45 (6), 1283-1309, 2022
Percorsi migratori femminili ed integrazione socio-economica delle donne immigrate a Milano
S Perra, K Pilati
Sociologia del lavoro 110, 2008
Participation of migrants in European cities: Patterns of civic and political engagement
K Pilati, L Morales
The Routledge Handbook of the Governance of Migration and Diversity in …, 2018
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Articles 1–20