mario cortes
mario cortes
Institute of Computing - Unicamp
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Cited by
Code compression based on operand factorization
G Araujo, P Centoducatte, M Cortes, R Pannain
Proceedings. 31st Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on …, 1998
Bug report severity level prediction in open source software: A survey and research opportunities
LAF Gomes, R da Silva Torres, ML Côrtes
Information and software technology 115, 58-78, 2019
Modelos de qualidade de software
ML Côrtes, TCS Chiossi
Ed. da Unicamp, 2001
El régimen de" las gracias al sacar" en Venezuela durante el período hispánico
S Rodulfo Cortés
(No Title), 1978
BERT-and TF-IDF-based feature extraction for long-lived bug prediction in FLOSS: a comparative study
L Gomes, R da Silva Torres, ML Côrtes
Information and Software Technology 160, 107217, 2023
Properties on Transient Errors Due to Power Supply Disturbances
Stanford University. Computer Systems Laboratory, ML Cortes, ...
Improving the statistical variability of delay-based physical unclonable functions
J Capovilla, M Cortes, G Araujo
Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 1-7, 2015
An experiment on intermittent-failure mechanisms
ML Cortes, EJ McCluskey
NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N 87, 29755, 1987
Computer security by hardware-intrinsic authentication
C Hoffman, M Cortes, DF Aranha, G Araujo
2015 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System …, 2015
Explorando memória transacional em software nos contextos de arquiteturas assimétricas, jogos computacionais e consumo de energia
AJ Baldassin
[sn], 2009
P-CMM e outros modelos na Gestão de Pessoas
JMB Josko, ML Côrtes
VII Simpósio Internacional de Melhoria de Processos de Software, 2005
Modeling power-supply disturbances in digital circuit
M Cortes, E McCluskey, K Wagner, D Lu
1986 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical …, 1986
Circumventing uniqueness of XOR arbiter PUFs
C Hoffman, C Gebotys, DF Aranha, M Cortes, G Araujo
2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 222-229, 2019
On the prediction of long-lived bugs: An analysis and comparative study using FLOSS projects
LAF Gomes, R da Silva Torres, ML Cortes
Information and Software Technology 132, 106508, 2021
Device failures and system activity: a thermal effects model
Stanford University. Computer Systems Laboratory, ML Cortes, RK Iyer
A bioassay to test HCN toxicity to the burrowing bug, Cyrtomenus bergi
ML Cortes, T Sanchez, L Riis, AC Bellotti, PA Calatayud
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 109 (3), 235-239, 2003
Un nuevo algoritmo para la modelización de sistemas altamente estructurados
M Cortés
Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Alicante, 2000
2D-VLIW: uma arquitetura de processador baseada na geometria da computação
RR Santos
[sn], 2007
Bert-based feature extraction for long-lived bug prediction in floss: a comparative study
L Gomes, M Côrtes, R Torres
Available at SSRN 4166555, 2022
A utilização de uma metodologia de Teste no processo de melhoria da Qualidade de Software
MVQ Bruneli
[sn], 2006
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Articles 1–20