Nguyen H. Le
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Cited by
Robust self-testing of the three-qubit state
X Wu, Y Cai, TH Yang, HN Le, JD Bancal, V Scarani
Physical Review A 90 (4), 042339, 2014
Rabi oscillation in a quantum cavity: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics
PO Guimond, A Roulet, HN Le, V Scarani
Physical Review A 93 (2), 023808, 2016
Micromotion in trapped atom-ion systems
LH Nguyen, A Kalev, MD Barrett, BG Englert
Physical Review A 85 (5), 052718, 2012
Extended Hubbard model for mesoscopic transport in donor arrays in silicon
NH Le, AJ Fisher, E Ginossar
Physical Review B 96 (24), 245406, 2017
Topological phases of a dimerized Fermi–Hubbard model for semiconductor nano-lattices
NH Le, AJ Fisher, NJ Curson, E Ginossar
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 24, 2020
Giant multiphoton absorption for THz resonances in silicon hydrogenic donors
MAW Van Loon, N Stavrias, NH Le, KL Litvinenko, PT Greenland, ...
Nature Photonics 12 (3), 179-184, 2018
Rectification of light in the quantum regime
J Dai, A Roulet, HN Le, V Scarani
Physical Review A 92 (6), 063848, 2015
Two photons on an atomic beam splitter: Nonlinear scattering and induced correlations
A Roulet, HN Le, V Scarani
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033838, 2016
State complexity and quantum computation
Y Cai, HN Le, V Scarani
Annalen der Physik 527 (9-10), 684-700, 2015
Giant non-linear susceptibility of hydrogenic donors in silicon and germanium
NH Le, GV Lanskii, G Aeppli, BN Murdin
Light: Science & Applications 8 (1), 64, 2019
Radii of Rydberg states of isolated silicon donors
J Li, NH Le, KL Litvinenko, SK Clowes, H Engelkamp, SG Pavlov, ...
Physical Review B 98 (8), 085423, 2018
Scalable and robust quantum computing on qubit arrays with fixed coupling
NH Le, M Cykiert, E Ginossar
npj Quantum Information 9 (1), 1, 2023
Highly efficient THz four-wave mixing in doped silicon
N Dessmann, NH Le, V Eless, S Chick, K Saeedi, A Perez-Delgado, ...
Light: Science & Applications 10 (1), 71, 2021
Rydberg entangling gates in silicon
E Crane, A Schuckert, NH Le, AJ Fisher
Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033086, 2021
The multi-photon induced Fano effect
KL Litvinenko, NH Le, B Redlich, CR Pidgeon, NV Abrosimov, Y Andreev, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 454, 2021
Excited states of defect linear arrays in silicon: A first-principles study based on hydrogen cluster analogs
W Wu, PT Greenland, AJ Fisher, NH Le, S Chick, BN Murdin
Physical Review B 97 (3), 035205, 2018
Nonlinear quantum cosmology
LH Nguyen, RR Parwani
General Relativity and Gravitation 41, 2543-2560, 2009
Position‐Controlled Functionalization of Vacancies in Silicon by Single‐Ion Implanted Germanium Atoms
S Achilli, NH Le, G Fratesi, N Manini, G Onida, M Turchetti, G Ferrari, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (21), 2011175, 2021
Optically controlled entangling gates in randomly doped silicon
E Crane, T Crane, A Schuckert, NH Le, K Stockbridge, S Chick, AJ Fisher
Physical Review B 100 (6), 064201, 2019
Test-state approach to the quantum search problem
A Sehrawat, LH Nguyen, BG Englert
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 052311, 2011
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Articles 1–20