Paul Rutter
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Cited by
Mortality from pandemic A/H1N1 2009 influenza in England: public health surveillance study
LJ Donaldson, PD Rutter, BM Ellis, FEC Greaves, OT Mytton, RG Pebody, ...
Bmj 339, 2009
Developed-developing country partnerships: benefits to developed countries?
SB Syed, V Dadwal, P Rutter, J Storr, JD Hightower, R Gooden, J Carlet, ...
Globalization and health 8 (1), 17, 2012
What have we learned about interventions to reduce medical errors?
HI Woodward, OT Mytton, C Lemer, IE Yardley, BM Ellis, PD Rutter, ...
Annual review of public health 31 (1), 479-497, 2010
Socio-economic disparities in mortality due to pandemic influenza in England
PD Rutter, OT Mytton, M Mak, LJ Donaldson
International journal of public health 57, 745-750, 2012
What is the risk of death or severe harm due to bone cement implantation syndrome among patients undergoing hip hemiarthroplasty for fractured neck of femur? A patient safety …
PD Rutter, SS Panesar, A Darzi, LJ Donaldson
BMJ open 4 (6), e004853, 2014
Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 in England, 2009 to 2011: a greater burden of severe illness in the year after the pandemic than in the pandemic year
OT Mytton, PD Rutter, LJ Donaldson
Eurosurveillance 17 (14), 20139, 2012
Hospitalization in two waves of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in England
CNJ Campbell, OT Mytton, EM McLean, PD Rutter, RG Pebody, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 139 (10), 1560-1569, 2011
Donaldsons' essential public health
LJ Donaldson, P Rutter
CRC Press, 2017
Gender-related differences in care-seeking behaviour for newborns: a systematic review of the evidence in South Asia
SA Ismail, A McCullough, S Guo, A Sharkey, S Harma, P Rutter
BMJ global health 4 (3), e001309, 2019
Mortality due to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in England: a comparison of the first and second waves
OT Mytton, PD Rutter, M Mak, EAI Stanton, N Sachedina, LJ Donaldson
Epidemiology & Infection 140 (9), 1533-1541, 2012
Oversight role of the independent monitoring board of the global polio eradication initiative
PD Rutter, LJ Donaldson
The Journal of infectious diseases 210 (suppl_1), S16-S22, 2014
Transition planning for after polio eradication
PD Rutter, AR Hinman, L Hegg, D King, S Sosler, V Swezy, AL Hussey, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 216 (suppl_1), S287-S292, 2017
Access to the NHS by telephone and Internet during an influenza pandemic: an observational study
P Rutter, O Mytton, B Ellis, L Donaldson
BMJ open 4 (2), e004174, 2014
Mandatory polio vaccination for travellers: protecting global public health
PD Rutter, LJ Donaldson
The Lancet 383 (9930), 1695-1697, 2014
African partnerships for patient safety: a vehicle for enhancing patient safety across two continents.[corrected].
SB Syed, R Gooden, J Storr, JD Hightower, P Rutter, A Lardner, E Kelley, ...
World hospitals and health services: the official journal of the …, 2009
Equitable coverage? The roles of the private and public sectors in providing maternal, newborn and child health interventions in South Asia
S Guo, L Carvajal-Aguirre, CG Victora, AJD Barros, FC Wehrmeister, ...
BMJ Global Health 4 (4), e001495, 2019
Strengthening the evidence-policy interface for patient safety: enhancing global health through hospital partnerships
SB Syed, V Dadwal, J Storr, P Riley, P Rutter, JD Hightower, R Gooden, ...
Globalization and health 9, 1-5, 2013
The Right Time, the Right Place: An expert examination of the application of health and social care governance arrangements for ensuring the quality of care provision in …
SL Donaldson, P Rutter, M Henderson
Review Team, 2014
Comparisons with recent flu mortality
LJ Donaldson, PD Rutter, BM Ellis, FEC Greaves, OT Mytton, RG Pebody, ...
BMj 340, 2010
Commentary on Black et al.(2011): minimum pricing of alcohol-a solution whose time has come.
LJ Donaldson, PD Rutter
Addiction 106 (4), 2011
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Articles 1–20