Philip A Gable
Philip A Gable
Professor of Psychology, The University of Delaware
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Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science
Open Science Collaboration
Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015
The role of asymmetric frontal cortical activity in emotion-related phenomena: A review and update
E Harmon-Jones, PA Gable, CK Peterson
Biological psychology 84 (3), 451-462, 2010
Approach-motivated positive affect reduces breadth of attention
PA Gable, E Harmon-Jones
Psychological science 19 (5), 476-482, 2008
The motivational dimensional model of affect: Implications for breadth of attention, memory, and cognitive categorisation
P Gable, E Harmon-Jones
Cognition and Emotion 24 (2), 322-337, 2010
The blues broaden, but the nasty narrows: Attentional consequences of negative affects low and high in motivational intensity
P Gable, E Harmon-Jones
Psychological Science 21 (2), 211-215, 2010
On the role of asymmetric frontal cortical activity in approach and withdrawal motivation: An updated review of the evidence
E Harmon‐Jones, PA Gable
Psychophysiology 55 (1), e12879, 2018
Does negative affect always narrow and positive affect always broaden the mind? Considering the influence of motivational intensity on cognitive scope
E Harmon-Jones, PA Gable, TF Price
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (4), 301-307, 2013
Attitudes toward emotions.
E Harmon-Jones, C Harmon-Jones, DM Amodio, PA Gable
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (6), 1332, 2011
Neural activity underlying the effect of approach-motivated positive affect on narrowed attention
E Harmon-Jones, PA Gable
Psychological Science 20 (4), 406-409, 2009
Time flies when you’re having approach-motivated fun: Effects of motivational intensity on time perception
PA Gable, BD Poole
Psychological science 23 (8), 879-886, 2012
The effect of low versus high approach-motivated positive affect on memory for peripherally versus centrally presented information.
PA Gable, E Harmon-Jones
Emotion 10 (4), 599, 2010
Relative left frontal activation to appetitive stimuli: Considering the role of individual differences
P Gable, E Harmon‐Jones
Psychophysiology 45 (2), 275-278, 2008
Late positive potential to appetitive stimuli and local attentional bias.
PA Gable, E Harmon-Jones
Emotion 10 (3), 441, 2010
The influence of affective states varying in motivational intensity on cognitive scope
E Harmon-Jones, PA Gable, TF Price
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 6, 73, 2012
Attentional consequences of pregoal and postgoal positive affects.
PA Gable, E Harmon-Jones
Emotion 11 (6), 1358, 2011
Anger perceptually and conceptually narrows cognitive scope.
PA Gable, BD Poole, E Harmon-Jones
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109 (1), 163, 2015
The influence of affective states on cognitive broadening/narrowing: Considering the importance of motivational intensity
E Harmon‐Jones, TF Price, PA Gable
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 6 (4), 314-327, 2012
Leaning embodies desire: Evidence that leaning forward increases relative left frontal cortical activation to appetitive stimuli
E Harmon-Jones, PA Gable, TF Price
Biological psychology 87 (2), 311-313, 2011
The effects of reward magnitude on reward processing: An averaged and single trial event-related potential study
CC Meadows, PA Gable, KR Lohse, MW Miller
Biological Psychology 118, 154-160, 2016
Does arousal per se account for the influence of appetitive stimuli on attentional scope and the late positive potential?
PA Gable, E Harmon‐Jones
Psychophysiology 50 (4), 344-350, 2013
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Articles 1–20