Ilia Kamotski
Ilia Kamotski
Other namesI. V. Kamotskii, I. Kamotskiy, I. Kamotsky
Unknown affiliation
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Spectral problems in singularly perturbed domains and selfadjoint extensions of differential operators
I Kamotski, SA Nazarov
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Vol. VI, 127–181 …, 2000
Homogenization of spectral problems in bounded domains with doubly high contrasts
NO Babych, IV Kamotski, VP Smyshlyaev
arXiv preprint arXiv:0711.2405, 2007
Low–frequency acoustic waves in nematic elastomers
LJ Fradkin, IV Kamotski, EM Terentjev, DD Zakharov
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2003
Coercivity of Combined Boundary Integral Equations in High‐Frequency Scattering
EA Spence, IV Kamotski, VP Smyshlyaev
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 68 (9), 1587-1639, 2015
Exponentially decreasing solutions of diffraction problems on a rigid periodic boundary
IV Kamotskii, SA Nazarov
Mathematical Notes 73, 129-131, 2003
The augmented scattering matrix and exponentially decaying solutions of an elliptic problem in a cylindrical domain
IV Kamotski, SA Nazarov
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 111 (4), 3657-3666, 2002
On eigenfunctions localized in a neighborhood of the lateral surface of a thin domain
IV Kamotskii, SA Nazarov
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 101, 2941-2974, 2000
Propagation of acoustic waves in nematic elastomers
EM Terentjev, IV Kamotski, DD Zakharov, LJ Fradkin
Physical Review E 66 (5), 052701, 2002
An augmented scattering matrix and an exponentially decreasing solution of elliptic boundary-value problem in the domain with cylindrical outlets
IV Kamotskii, SA Nazarov
Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 264, 66-82, 2000
Regularity properties, representation of solutions, and spectral asymptotics of systems with multiplicities
I Kamotski, M Ruzhansky
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 32 (1), 1-35, 2007
Wood's anomalies and surface waves in the problem of scattering by a periodic boundary. I
IV Kamotskii, SA Nazarov
Sbornik: Mathematics 190 (1), 111, 1999
Bandgaps in two-dimensional high-contrast periodic elastic beam lattice materials
IIV Kamotski, VP Smyshlyaev
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 123, 292-304, 2019
Surface wave running along the edge of an elastic wedge
IV Kamotskii
Algebra Anal 20 (1), 86-92, 2008
Wood's anomalies and surface waves in the problem of scattering by a periodic boundary. II
IV Kamotskii, SA Nazarov
Sbornik: Mathematics 190 (2), 205, 1999
Elastic waves localized near periodic families of defects
IV Kamotskii, SA Nazarov
Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk 368 (6), 771-773, 1999
On nonexistence of Baras–Goldstein type for higher-order parabolic equations with singular potentials
V Galaktionov, I Kamotski
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 (8), 4117-4136, 2010
An energy approach to the proof of the existence of Rayleigh waves in an anisotropic elastic half-space
IV Kamotskii, AP Kiselev
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 73 (4), 464-470, 2009
Two-scale homogenization for a general class of high contrast PDE systems with periodic coefficients
IV Kamotski, VP Smyshlyaev
Applicable Analysis 98 (1-2), 64-90, 2019
On the third boundary value problem in domains with cusps
IV Kamotski, VG Maz’ya
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 173 (5), 609-631, 2011
Localised modes due to defects in high contrast periodic media via homogenization
IV Kamotski, VP Smyshlyaev
Bath Institute for Complex Systems 3 (06), 2006
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Articles 1–20