Walter M. Villa-Acevedo
Walter M. Villa-Acevedo
Associate Professor, Electrical Department of University of Antioquia, GIMEL
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Cited by
A novel constraint handling approach for the optimal reactive power dispatch problem
WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama, JA Valencia-Velásquez
Energies 11 (9), 2352, 2018
Fundamentos e ingeniería de las puestas a tierra: Respuestas ante fallas eléctricas y rayos
G Moreno, JA Valencia, CA Cárdenas, WM Villa-Acevedo
Universidad de Antioquia 1, 192, 2007
Metaheuristic techniques applied to the optimal reactive power dispatch: a review
D Gutierrez Rojas, J López-Lezama, WM Villa-Acevedo
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (5), 2253-2263, 2016
Voltage stability margin index estimation using a hybrid kernel extreme learning machine approach
WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama, DG Colomé
Energies 13 (4), 857, 2020
Long-term voltage stability monitoring of power system areas using a kernel extreme learning machine approach
WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama, DG Colomé, J Cepeda
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (2), 1353-1367, 2022
Flujo Óptimo Reactivo mediante Optimización por Enjambre de Partículas
D Gutiérrez, WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama
Información tecnológica 28 (5), 215-224, 2017
Identification of voltage control areas in power systems with large scale wind power integration
WM Villa, JL Rueda, S Torres, WH Peralta
2012 Sixth IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution: Latin America Conference …, 2012
Identification of Gaussian Mixture Model using Mean Variance Mapping Optimization: Venezuelan Case
FM Gonzalez-Longatt, JL Rueda, I Erlich, D Bogdanov, W Villa
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT …, 2012
Inteligencia artificial en pronóstico de demanda de energía eléctrica: una aplicación en optimización de recursos energéticos
H Sarmiento, W Villa
Revista Colombiana de Tecnologías Avanzadas 2 (12), 94-100, 2008
Implementation of User Cuts and Linear Sensitivity Factors to Improve the Computational Performance of the Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Problem
CC Marín-Cano, JE Sierra-Aguilar, JM López-Lezama, Á Jaramillo-Duque, ...
Energies, 1399., 2019
A Multi-Period Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Approach Considering Multiple Operative Goals
JA Morán-Burgos, JE Sierra-Aguilar, WM Villa-Acevedo, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (18), 8535, 2021
Estimación de parámetros del suelo de dos capas usando el algoritmo de optimización de mapeo media-varianza
WM Villa-Acevedo, JM Rodríguez-Serna, JD Saldarriaga-Loaiza
Información tecnológica 30 (1), 299-310, 2019
Solving the optimal reactive power dispatch problem through a Python-DIgSILENT interface
MM Sánchez-Mora, DL Bernal-Romero, OD Montoya, WM Villa-Acevedo, ...
Computation 10 (8), 128, 2022
Mean Variance Mapping Optimization for the identification of Gaussian Mixture Model: Test case
F Gonzalez-Longatt, J Rueda, I Erlich, W Villa, D Bogdanov
Intelligent Systems (IS), 2012 6th IEEE International Conference, 158-163, 2012
Mean-variance mapping optimization algorithm applied to the optimal reactive power dispatch
DCL Tamayo, JML Lezama, WM Villa
INGE CUC 17 (1), 12, 2021
Assessment of metaheuristic techniques applied to the optimal reactive power dispatch
DC Londoño, WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama
Workshop on Engineering Applications, 250-262, 2019
Microgrid Protection Coordination Considering Clustering and Metaheuristic Optimization
JE Santos-Ramos, SD Saldarriaga-Zuluaga, JM López-Lezama, ...
Energies 17 (1), 210, 2023
Multi-Period Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Using a Mean-Variance Mapping Optimization Algorithm
DC Londoño Tamayo, WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama
Computers 11 (4), 48, 2022
Despacho óptimo de potencia reactiva considerando un abordaje multiperíodo
DCL Tamayo, WM Villa-Acevedo, JM López-Lezama
Información tecnológica 32 (6), 179-190, 2021
Cálculo del Campo Magnético en el Interior de Edificaciones con Sistemas de Protección Contra Rayos
WM Villa, JM Rodríguez, JA Valencia, JE Álvarez
Información tecnológica 20 (3), 45-54, 2009
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Articles 1–20